There is no way this problem gets solved unless the colonial settler state is crushed. Has nothing to with Zionism or Semitism, aggressive colonial entities have to be defeated.
1:10 secs before the talent got a word in, tut tut. Please try harder to rein in the windbaggery. If you can't ask a question in less than twenty words, it isn't worth hearing.
There is no way this problem gets solved unless the colonial settler state is crushed. Has nothing to with Zionism or Semitism, aggressive colonial entities have to be defeated.
But they aren’t colonising their own land…. They are occupying and implementing an apartheid regime on the land of other peoples….
Been talking to burning bushes again, haven’t you.
1:10 secs before the talent got a word in, tut tut. Please try harder to rein in the windbaggery. If you can't ask a question in less than twenty words, it isn't worth hearing.