I'm ashamed and disgusted that my bitch country (new Zealand) is sending anyone to that clowns meeting.

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Talking about MBS, Saudi Arabia's 80-yr agreement with USA to sell oil only in dollars, expired; and MBS is not renewing it. That means bye bye petrodollar, hello gold and silver. Comment on that as soon as you can! Thank you.

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Saudi did not renew petrodollar contract.


For decades people have been telling how Jews control congress and now it took Tom Massey to explain about AIPAC and how every one (almost) in congress has a babysitter. People TRIED, they were called conspiracy theorists, neo nazis, etc. People used to call it ZOG and yeah a lot of THEM saying that were white supremacist types. I knew about it in the 60s FROM JEWS that said why Jews always do shit like this - and how it backfires. Even Mark here seems to doubt it. The whole Israel Brit shit goes back to them and Wilson, ww1. They control the media, anyone that doubts that doubts that they have a nose on their face. Steven Steinlight wrote a few long letters (online) to Jews about how they best change what they have been doing. Kevin MacDonald also wrote about it in Culture of Critique, ALL Jewish references there, but he got smeared and ended up associating with some white supremacist or semi that types. I am Tatar, ie, NOT white. Buddhist. Jews were friendly toward us.

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Looks like Washington would rather send the whole of the EU countries to war with Russia as another large proxy under a NATO flag rather than talk peace.

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the PEOPLE in Europe might just say NO. Hell no, we won't go. I want to see them play bushkazi with Zellie's head. I HATE him.

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Think this thing drags on until the frontline reaches the Dnieper and both Kiev and Odessa are threatened. The US will then, as it has so many times before, abandon Ukraine and, without missing a beat, move on to Taiwan which will administer the final coup de grace to 500 years of Western imperialism.

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Is there a reciproke relationship between brain and muscle power? Holds the same for quality of leadership and political power? It seems that for the Western countries even starting before the fall of Konstaninopel in 1453 the more power a country had the more stupid their leaders acted.

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The USA sanctioned German companies amongst others during construction of Nord Stream II. How come that the German government at that time swallowed that? Sanctions know no friends or allies.

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There is only one single country in the world with a war economy: The USA where about 40 Percent of all working places are dependent on the military industry.

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I need to know and can't find out elsewhere. IS CHINA STOPPING PUTIN FROM GOING ALL OUT AS MANY RUSSIANS WANT HIM TO - DECAPITATE UKRAINE BEFORE THIS "ALMOST WAR" BECOMES A HOT WAR? I am listening to Pepe on the Judge's show right now. I'll get back on here to listen after that. OH: Pepe


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