The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and Podcasts
Russian Flotilla Demonstates Long Range Strike Capability en Route to Cuba, US SanctionsAllies & World For Not Adhering to its Sanctions on Russia, Zelensky Begs MBS to Attend His Not Peace Party

Russian Flotilla Demonstates Long Range Strike Capability en Route to Cuba, US SanctionsAllies & World For Not Adhering to its Sanctions on Russia, Zelensky Begs MBS to Attend His Not Peace Party

Radio Interview with Rachel Blevins on the Backstory 12/06/24


  • Russian Flotilla Demonstates Long Range Strike Capability en Route to Cuba
    Russian Navy ships train for long-range strikes en route to Cuba -

    US to shadow Russian nuclear sub near Cuba – CBS -
    Russian warships reach Cuban waters ahead of military exercises in the Caribbean | AP News

    Russian Nuclear Sub, Frigate with Long Range Land Attack Missiles Operating Off East Coast - USNI News

  • US Sanctions Own Allies & the World For Not Adhering to its Sanctions on Russia
    US expands sanctions against Russia -

  • In Saudi Visit Zelensky Begs MBS to Attend His Not-Peace Party in Switzerland
    Zelensky Lands In Saudi On Unannounced Visit: State Media -

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The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and Podcasts
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and podcasts on International, affairs and security from a realist, Russian & multipolar PoV