Numerous credible academics, analysts and politicians have suggested that the conflict in Ukraine could potentially blow up into a World War 3 scenario with states around the world being dragged in.
The US and other NATO states are propping up their proxy Putsch regime in Kiev with all of their military and economic power, and there are numerous legitimate reasons to consider them not only participants in the conflict but actively at war with Russia in Ukraine, but still the active conflict zone has thus far remained territorially bound to Ukraine and to a lesser extent Russia.
That may have just changed, and the conflict quietly expanded into the Middle East.
On Sunday January 28th kamikaze drone strikes hit Iranian military depots and workshops in the city of Isfahan. Iran has claimed that Israel is responsible and that is almost certainly the case. The Zionist regime in Israel regularly conducts strikes, bombings, assassinations, sabotage and terrorism in Iran, declining to claim credit, while smugly suggesting the opposite.
Anonymous US officials, while implausibly denying any involvement on their side, have confirmed that Israel was indeed responsible.
The repugnant Banderite Ukrainian Presidential Advisor Mykhailo Podolyak, gloated about the strikes on Twitter: "War logic is inexorable & murderous. It bills the authors & accomplices strictly. Panic in RF - endless mobilization, missile defense in Moscow, trenches 1000 km away, bomb shelters preparation. Explosive night in Iran - drone & missile production, oil refineries. Ukraine did warn you."
The Iranian govt summoned the Ukrainian ambassador and demanded an explanation and a refutation of the obvious boasting of Ukrainian complicity in and celebration of the attacks.
Just days later Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with CNN implied that Israel had indeed specifically targeted Iranian military sites where drones and ballistic missiles, including of the types that have supposedly been supplied to Russia, including the Shahed 136 loitering munition, are produced.
“Israel... acts in ways that I will not itemize here against Iran’s weapons productions, which are used against Ukraine,” Netanyahu said.
The Israeli Ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, also mentioned Iranian drones and missiles when he said Israel does more to help Ukraine than is publicly known.
"We help – albeit behind the scenes – and much more than is known. …As you know, the Israeli army regularly blocks arms shipments from Iran to Syria and Lebanon. These include Iranian drones and missiles that Russia is using in Ukraine."
Of course, these same weapons systems can be supplied to Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis in Yemen, but the Israeli government is clearly linking the rationale for the targeted strikes to the weapons supply to Russia.
Thus far Israel has refrained from providing significant military aid to the Kiev regime in Ukraine, despite enormous US and European pressure to send them Iron Dome and Hawk air defense systems.
Israeli aid has been restricted to humanitarian aid, small arms, intel on Iranian-designed drones, and a small number of anti-drone systems specifically designed to counter them.
This is, of course, because the Zionist regime fears a direct confrontation with Russian military forces based in neighboring Syria, where for years now Russia has apparently had a devil’s agreement that has allowed Israel to conduct periodic airstrikes against Hezbollah and Iranian-backed forces in Syria without targeting Israeli aircraft with their advanced air defense systems or allowing the Syrian govt to do the same with the S300 air defense systems that Russia has supplied them with.
Russia has recently reiterated its warning to Israel not to send greater military aid to the Kiev regime in Ukraine after recent Netanyahu remarks to a badgering press that he would “consider it”.
The implications of all this are earth-shaking.
If Israel really did target Iranian military facilities with the specific intent to inhibit Iranian supply of weapon systems to Russia, that would be a huge escalation, not just between Israel and Iran, nor just between Israel and Russia, but it would mark the first time that the Ukrainian conflict had spread outside of the immediate theatre - countries aligned with and supplying arms to either the West-backed Kiev Putsch regime or Russia directly attacking each other over the conflict in Ukraine.
Historical parallels can be drawn to the way that World War I expanded globally with states being dragged into the conflict through webs of alliances and relations.
And there is plenty of potential for the Ukrainian conflict to spread further as well - to neighboring Moldova or Belarus, to NATO member states, to the divided Korean peninsula, and beyond.
The conflict in Ukraine has just definitively spread out of theatre and gone global.
Perhaps we really are in the early stages of World War 3.
Los pedidos de Armas Soviéticas para Ucrania, en Latinoamérica hechos por el Jefe del Comando Sur General Laura Richardson a 7 países de la Región y los específicos del Canciller Aleman a Chile Argentina y Brasil, van en el sentido de extender la Guerra Otan contra la FR y aliados.
Está Política de EXPANDIR siempre empieza por " pedidos" más o menos amistosos y en general siguen con provocaciones hacía los " países objetivo" Operaciones de Falsa Bandera, Atentados etc.
Hay países en la Región que por su complicada situación interna pueden ser Blanco de ella.
On the subject of Moldova, I read on Intel Slava Z this am that the government of Moldova has just resigned.