Their level of desperation has entered a new phase.

Keep up the good work.

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Was to be expected...I recomand Rumble as video platform.

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I remember in the early days of the social media, Western commentators would predict that the social media would inevitably lead to regime change in China. Hilarious how it turns out that the governments today fearing the social media are Western!

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Something big must be coming up, and I don’t think it’s the US elections because both puppets couldn’t care less about freedom of speech. The ‘left’ censors people under the guise of “hate speech” while the ‘right’ censors people under the guise of “antisemitism.”

Donald Trump had 4 years to break up the Big Tech oligarchy (Google, Facebook/Meta, Apple, Twitter) but did nothing despite the Orwellian writing being clearly visible on the proverbial wall. Instead The Donald spent the whole day on Twitter (when Twitter was still a leftwing/woke platform and was still controlled by leftwing hipster Jack Dorsey) complaining why the Federal Reserve didn’t lower interest rates to make ‘his’ economy even more artificial.

Anyone defending Trump (“he’s not perfect but he’s better than Hillary/Joe/Kamala”) is part of the problem, because a controlled puppet like Trump PREVENTS any TRULY capable candidate from surfacing and changing course. We saw during the “pandemic” that Trump (Warp Speed) is a total puppet, and he also directly prepared the battle grounds in the Ukraine by sending LETHAL military aid to Kiev + by cancelling the INF Treaty with Russia + by moving US troops from Germany to Poland and Romania.

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"Something big must be coming up,"

... and that is scary AF!

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In the UK they use nonsensical words like Islamophobia & Far Right as reasons too falsely censor people. Which consequently the thought police are activated using the umbrella of Hate crime to intimidate further or even arrests. But still the average Brit in my case, fellow UK citizens believe we still have freedom of speech & democracy whilst criticizing the Global South. When in fact we have neither with just the illusion of choice.

Totally agree with your commentary on Trump, even with the Social media who undermined him constantly, he did nothing to curtail them, in fact instead he created his own platform.

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Sorry - this is a rather long rant.

I really like your comment. But something needs to be said: the left isn't what it used to be (no brainer, right?). In my book, the REAL left wants to overthrow capitalism and it's worldview. It wants to change the perspective that money is speech to one person, one vote, REALLY. The people whom you call lefties in your comment want none of that. They want to become rich and be on top of the hill themselves, as if that was a solution that wasn’t destined to fail too.

The way I see it (and this is an opinion, not an argument you can't disagree with or else I will call you this or that) is that the political spectrum has been shrinking for years. Today it's either Kamala or Trump. It’s either ‘Israel or bust’ or ‘Israel first’. It's either get rich quick or be exploited on the long term. It's agree with us or we'll veto and sanction you into oblivion (even worse if you are sitting on resources that can be stolen). Are you gasping for political air yet? I sure am!

A few years ago I saw a clip on the BBC talking about "the wisdom of the crowd". In it, people are being asked how many jelly beans there are in a container. None get it right but if you add up all the answers and divide by the number of people asked (an average), you get a pretty good answer. Individually we don't know but together WE DO. That's why they're shutting down people like Mark Sleboda; the narrower the band, the less powerful we are. Land of the free? The price of freedom is more than the money you’ll make in your entire life (at least if feels like it).

All in all, it's not about right or left, it's about being able to come up with your own, unique way of seeing the world. We are – this is my 'grand' theory – all part of this biological computer. The powers that be don't want OUR biological computer to process the current events. They want to control the debate, the narrative, the framing AND limit what can be heard/said/read, not only in the corporate media megaphone but between us (hence the UK putting people in jail because they said something naughty on some social media). That stuff is all biological computer fuel. Starve the beast, right?

If you love someone, you set them free. Not much love going on in the US political system (and the world is following the lead).

The solution is to start talking to each other, and if we disagree, respect the other because that person is ALSO part of the answer. Don’t let yourself be boxed up and don’t let other be boxed up because you disagree.

Open to talk about it if you have a different perspective!

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Why or why are you guys still on this American propaganda platform...You know who they are and then complain when they show you who they are. I left this Garbage years ago when they threw me out for streaming RT. ...I have been a lot happier since !

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It's because we're trying to get the truth out, teach and open eyes. A pantheon of bloggers, videographers and commenters developed into a network. Our network is growing, we're poking holes in the Narrative Matrix controlled by Plutocratic and Military Institutions who have created an ILLUSION of democracy.

YouTube and Facebook are controlled by Neocon and Zionist oligarchs who also make up AIPAC🇺🇸🇮🇱. They are warmongers, war profiteers and genocidal maniacs.

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Well done Mark, It proves beyond any doubt what you say is cast iron fact. There's a blitz going on at this time. They're openly trying to murder the favourite to win the American election. They're banning everyone from pillar to post for speaking facts. It's getting to the stage when they're going to ban the internet for everyone except government employees. Who are they? They are the real lying corrupt psychopaths. The vast majority are sleep walking into George Orwell's dystopian nightmare. They'll wake up when it's too late. The biggest traitors are the ones who impliment the wishes of the dark side. I hope they realise the future they're creating for their children.

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"I hope they realise the future they're creating for their children." As you said, psychopaths, they don't have any empathy.

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It´s naive of me to say this: But I really would like to talk to these people in private.

Those making these hair-raising decisions. Are they not ashamed of themselves?

We do have a few true reactions from inside the Twitter Files.

So we do know they have a conscience. And family. And friends. And people who they confide in.

What does all that look like...

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I believe it’s all Epstein style blackmail at play … why else do they all flip flop so badly when they get to Washington

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A conglomeration of some of the wealthiest oligarchs in history, working hand-in-hand with the most powerful deep state forces on the planet, is afraid of.....lil' ole you, with a mic. Congrats on your cred, sir. Ignorance is NOT strength! Truth is NOT hate.

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Welcome, friend, to the Dissenters Club! Here we practice free speech, intelligent independent thought, and comical government chastisement. Cocktail hour starts at 4 pm.

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Go to Rumble Mark. Everybody is there now, including DD.

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Too late, my friend, the damage is done. These are the death throes of a rotting, dying Empire. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. But, it will get better. May God have mercy on our souls. It WILL get better.

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You probably said you hated war…so there you go, hate speech!

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I think i remember you criticizing Israel, perhaps the strike down was because of that.

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You're one of the best Mark!

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Why is anyone surprised???? A lot of the covid dissidents were purged in late 2020. Youtube, linkedin etc. While paypal simply cancelled them and stole their cash.

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Around 2013, Youtube had hundreds of videos questioning the official 9/11 story. In a few years , they were all taken down. Now there are videos of 9/11 that are out and out lies. A rewrite of history.

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