three seats to 15. Wow, that is a heavy movement. The low turnout was 58%. This shift challenges the separatist movement in support of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's effort to normalize relations with Catalonia. And on this day in history, in 1846, U.S. Congress approves the declaration of war against Mexico. We are at war.
In 1960, a Swiss expedition led by Max Ellison reached the summit of Tayo Laguri in the Himalayas, And in 1980, Pope John Paul II survived an assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, in which he was shot and seriously wounded by Mehmet Ali Agoa, a Turkish national. Apparently, God was on his side. Those are your headlines.
You guys are listening to Fault Lines with Thomas and Abdul. All right, let's take a break. You guys are listening to Fault Lines. My name is Jamal Thomas with Malik Abdul. Back in a moment.

Russian Launches Kharkov Offensive & Kiev Regime Defenses Crumble, What Putin's New Government Tells Us About Russian War Strategy Going Forward, more...

Video/Radio Interview on Faultlines 13/05/23

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Thank you Mark for including these audio versions . These audio only work better and leave my phone multilateral multifunctional..

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Am I imagining it or not but it seems like Ukraine are now playing a similar role to the Saigon South Vietnamese army and government before US main troops went in. Ok there were US special forces and “advisors” already involved, but now the conflict has a very end times Vietnam feel?

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Budanov’s nazi brigades vie with Israel’s IDF at being the world’s most immoral terrorist organization.

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Just a quick clarification, Russia's military spending is 6.7% of GDP, not the budget, of which around 30% is on security.

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