The west is rulled by maniacs perverts and psychopaths.

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Yes. But their OUR maniacs perverts and psychopaths, Lord love 'em!

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Of course you love them. You are like them. No problem. But as psichiatric i advise you make an appointment... Urgently.

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The Baltics are no longer independent. They have regressed into their WW2 nazi occupation mindset and are just more NATO puppet states. Hope their aggression and escalation towards Russia undermines their tourist trade

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They have a hudge inferiority complex that makes them insane.

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p.s. no news but "The Telegraph" confirming what Mark said in early spring with preparations in Europe to move US troops to the frontline.

"Nato land corridors could rush US troops to front line in event of European war

Pre-planned logistical routes could help stave off a potential Russian attack"

Joe Barnes, Brussels Correspondent


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Western “civilization” and its endless lies mask its insatiable greed (Spain bringing Jesus to the American “savages”, Britain graciously assuming “the white man’s burden” to enlighten the African “headhunters”, America generously bestowing its “freedom and democracy” to an enslaved planet). Now its hubris threatens to incinerate the world.

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A new piece on the Armavir radar attacks by WMD expert Ted Postol on RESPONSIBLE STATECRAFT (which is a nice thing to see as Postol has almost entirely been shut out of US media.)

" Droning Russia’s nuke radars is the dumbest thing Ukraine can do

Attacks on the early warning system actually highlights the fragility of peace between the world's nuclear powers"


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An alternative theory regarding the attack on the Armavir and Orks early warning radar stations: https://open.substack.com/pub/fulgurite4779/p/an-alternative-explanation-for-ukraines

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1:10 minutes, a welcome reduction in windbaggery, keep it up those chaps.

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Don't they ever listen to themselves and cringe at the fatuity of their remarks? Ask the question and shut up, let Sumo do the talking. ;O)

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To expand on what I think Garland Nixon points at:

NATO has a chance only if it can threaten Russia with WMDs and play along the threshold of thermonuclear war. But for that to work Russia must attack first and be the „aggresor state“ to secure public support.

If Russia does we have Febr. 2022 all over again, breach of intern. law and NATO is the knight in shining armour defending poor Europe once more.

With that Russia would enter NATO´s preferred theatre and loose the advantage. NATO will do everything to provoke such a step.

The Russian leadership should communicate the dishonesty by NATO and articulate and accuse publicly Stotenberg and NATO of what they are truly planning in real media campaign.

To ignore what the Western public thinks is a mistake.

The violation of Art. 51 in 2022 (whatever the reasons, nobody in the West cares. They only take things at face value) provided the indisputable legitimacy for NATO to escalate. And that makes it virtually impossible e.g. to fight NATO in the Westen public.

But that way it´s impossible to exert pressure on the European government to stop their madness at all. This war has to be looked at from all sides.

This might be regarded as soft power only, but the West has invested so heavily into it with very good reason. Russia needs to counter that or at least not provide another major reason for the Western media public to hate them even more.

Russia doesn´t need to convince the rest of the world.

But that rest is not involved.

The only public involved into escalation to WWIII are the people in the US and Europe.

Yes: NATO is a maniac. It is not afraid. And neither will it be afraid of an attack by Russia.

And remember WMDs above all are not a weapon but a political means.

And so is NOT using them.

Russia knows. The Western public needs to know that Russia knows.

p.s. Brazil, South Africa, India should show massive public presence directed towards Europe.

I remember that papers in Europe always found it difficult to criticize the „Third World“ (ha!) for its pro-RU position in the UN.

There they feel moral „ambiguity“. And morals is one of NATO´s soft spot.

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I don't mind if russia use nukes first. What i care about first of all is the complete destruction of united States of Sodom and Europe. Nothing else matters.

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Jun 5Edited

Our goal must be to prevent any use of WMDs.

This is not a game.

The scientists who built the bombs in 1945 in Los Alamos and those who did tests with the "super" have suffered nightmares during every night for the rest of their lives.

To be hit by a nuclear blast is like to be run over by a 1 t truck driving at you with 600 mp/h. The apokalypse of what a nuke actually means on health level but also socially, politically, psychologically is beyond imagination.

Not to speak of the bigger picture, i.e. nuclear winter. A few dozen average-sized warheads are enough to threaten the existence of our species.

So I beg everyone to not wave around this idea like some buzz word.

Nukes are the end. Very simple.


On January 13th 2018 Hawaii was struck by an WMD alarm telling everyone to seek shelter as a missile was approaching from North Korea.

For a few hours people actually believed they would be annihilated by a nuclear attack.

For a personal acount see e.g. this:

"10 Questions about Hawaii False Ballistic Missile Alert with Cynthia Lazaroff"

I think TC - 1:30 - 8:30 is enough:


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Frankly speaking i don't care if a global nuclear war starts. What counts for me is the complete destruction of united States of Sodom at any costs.

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Did your goat leave you? 😆

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Why don't genocide Joe challenge my dad Vlad to a personal face to face fight...?

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They want a world war, that's the only logical conclusion. The question is, why?

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Is it not true the Ukrainians were being shelled by the Ukrainian government and they asked Russia for help? I would like to get past the invasion narrative.

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