Was there not more sin against the democratic form in Soviet Russia than in Germany? While in Germany Hitler obtained in the election campaign a majority, in Russia there was no such thing. There a small minority-today after 15 years an organization of barely four millions-proclaimed the dictatorship of th…
Was there not more sin against the democratic form in Soviet Russia than in Germany? While in Germany Hitler obtained in the election campaign a majority, in Russia there was no such thing. There a small minority-today after 15 years an organization of barely four millions-proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat. . . . The Jews' attempt in Soviet Russia also to be announcers and pronouncers of the new absolute truth, they strive to interpret the Bolshevist Bible and to influence the ways of thinking of the Russian people. A process that calls forth sharpest resistance and even today leads to anti-Semitic disruption. What will happen when the Soviet government will have fallen and democracy in Russia will celebrate its solemn entrance? Will the Jews fare better than today in Germany? Will not the Russian people behind the Trotskys, the Kamenevs, Sinojews, etc. discover their old Jewish names and let the children suffer for the sins of their fathers? Or will it not even last that long, so that even the father's turn will come yet? Are there not examples for that? Did not thousands of Jews lose their lives in Hungary because Bela Kun [a Jew-Ed.] erected a Soviet republic on the soil of Stephan the Holy? The Hungarian Jews have paid very dearly for their prophetdom. . . . Within the [communist] Internationale the Jews appear as the most radical element. Germans, French, Poles, Czechs have a home and their internationalism lives itself out in Germany, France, Poland, Czechia. They are autochthonous, under home right. That shows itself in practical life. The Germans in 1914 burned their red flags in the Tiergarten at Berlin and went with the Deutschland [national anthem] on their lips, forth to war. The Polish socialist Daszinski stood in the forefront of the fight for the resurrection of Poland and the Czech socialists sang with enthusiasm their Hatikwah "Kdedomov muj."
Only the Jews would hear nothing about home and fell as ostensible prophets on the field of liberty. Karl Liebkneckt, Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Gustav Landauer: "No Kaddosh will be spoken, no mass
read. . . ."
They, and in the same measure, the children of liberalism, all those poets, authors, artists, journalists, prepared the present time, nourished Jew hatred, furnished the grounds, the material for the era of National Socialism. They all surely desired the best, but attained the opposite. They were cursed with blindness, they saw not the approach of catastrophe, they heard not the footfall of time, the heavy footfalls of time, the heavy footfalls of the Nemesis of History. UNQUOTE HIS LETTER.
Some of that still seems obscure to me, but that is pretty much what they did in the US. SLOWER.
Trump loved Jews. If he wins in 24 I think he'll get everything he tried to get before.
Was there not more sin against the democratic form in Soviet Russia than in Germany? While in Germany Hitler obtained in the election campaign a majority, in Russia there was no such thing. There a small minority-today after 15 years an organization of barely four millions-proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat. . . . The Jews' attempt in Soviet Russia also to be announcers and pronouncers of the new absolute truth, they strive to interpret the Bolshevist Bible and to influence the ways of thinking of the Russian people. A process that calls forth sharpest resistance and even today leads to anti-Semitic disruption. What will happen when the Soviet government will have fallen and democracy in Russia will celebrate its solemn entrance? Will the Jews fare better than today in Germany? Will not the Russian people behind the Trotskys, the Kamenevs, Sinojews, etc. discover their old Jewish names and let the children suffer for the sins of their fathers? Or will it not even last that long, so that even the father's turn will come yet? Are there not examples for that? Did not thousands of Jews lose their lives in Hungary because Bela Kun [a Jew-Ed.] erected a Soviet republic on the soil of Stephan the Holy? The Hungarian Jews have paid very dearly for their prophetdom. . . . Within the [communist] Internationale the Jews appear as the most radical element. Germans, French, Poles, Czechs have a home and their internationalism lives itself out in Germany, France, Poland, Czechia. They are autochthonous, under home right. That shows itself in practical life. The Germans in 1914 burned their red flags in the Tiergarten at Berlin and went with the Deutschland [national anthem] on their lips, forth to war. The Polish socialist Daszinski stood in the forefront of the fight for the resurrection of Poland and the Czech socialists sang with enthusiasm their Hatikwah "Kdedomov muj."
Only the Jews would hear nothing about home and fell as ostensible prophets on the field of liberty. Karl Liebkneckt, Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Gustav Landauer: "No Kaddosh will be spoken, no mass
read. . . ."
They, and in the same measure, the children of liberalism, all those poets, authors, artists, journalists, prepared the present time, nourished Jew hatred, furnished the grounds, the material for the era of National Socialism. They all surely desired the best, but attained the opposite. They were cursed with blindness, they saw not the approach of catastrophe, they heard not the footfall of time, the heavy footfalls of time, the heavy footfalls of the Nemesis of History. UNQUOTE HIS LETTER.
Some of that still seems obscure to me, but that is pretty much what they did in the US. SLOWER.
Trump loved Jews. If he wins in 24 I think he'll get everything he tried to get before.