The totalitarian committee that runs the U.S. for these purposes evidently believes that as long as the U.S. public buys its fig leaf/ plausible deniability scenario, that it has gotten away with yet another atrocity scot-free. It doesn’t care what the Russian government believes, or, for that matter, knows. Even after two plus years of this, nothing has changed in what passes for the minds of the committee members. Reality has no meaning; only the perception of its target audience does.
There is no chance that this will end in any way but catastrophically.
It’s astonishing that after 80 years of losses and trillions of dollars wasted and rationales exposed as lies, that the brainwashed Western citizenry will undoubtedly once again plop down the cash to play another round of “where’s the pea” against the crooked barker. Marcuse argued that the refrigerator was a far more effective tool of repression than any weapon ever produced.
We can only wish Putin does to us all a huge, huuuuge favor. What that may be? That he erases from the globe each and every CIA member along with MI6. To rid earth from that scourge will be a great act of mercy.
The totalitarian committee that runs the U.S. for these purposes evidently believes that as long as the U.S. public buys its fig leaf/ plausible deniability scenario, that it has gotten away with yet another atrocity scot-free. It doesn’t care what the Russian government believes, or, for that matter, knows. Even after two plus years of this, nothing has changed in what passes for the minds of the committee members. Reality has no meaning; only the perception of its target audience does.
There is no chance that this will end in any way but catastrophically.
It’s astonishing that after 80 years of losses and trillions of dollars wasted and rationales exposed as lies, that the brainwashed Western citizenry will undoubtedly once again plop down the cash to play another round of “where’s the pea” against the crooked barker. Marcuse argued that the refrigerator was a far more effective tool of repression than any weapon ever produced.
Marcuse really said that? Cool. He was smarter than I thought.
Wasn’t ISIS Al Qaeda and Mujihadeen created by the USA intelligence agencies anyway just asking
Yes, according to Hillary in 2011:
Measured factual analysis with the 'humour' option.
Was the Baltimore Bridge Attack Russia striking back at the US?
Uh, no.
We can only wish Putin does to us all a huge, huuuuge favor. What that may be? That he erases from the globe each and every CIA member along with MI6. To rid earth from that scourge will be a great act of mercy.
Not in his job description.
But an American president coud step up. I understnad that one wanted to do precisely this thing and he was executed in public.