Gee, I guess Jake and Ted did not get Putin's Your-Vampire-Ball-Is-Over memo.


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Is Iran's restraint even noticed by the West? It seems not, since their threats and attacks keep escalating. Iran needs to realize that it's not playing with people of integrity. Pezeshkian is a fool. Hundreds of years of US duplicity, lies and treachery should be enough for any leader worthy of the name to not trust the US. Now Pezeshkian looks like a fool and Iran lost an important moment to put Israel in its place. Pezeshkian needs to either resign or wake up.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

That Pezer is a disappointment for sure.

But in any case, any restraint or rational behavior by Iran, Russia, China, etc. is not so much lost on as IGNORED by the giant Western propaganda machine.

Like Mark said, Israel destroys an apartment block, killing 1,000 innocent people, and not a word in the MSM. One Israeli gets killed and the machine screams like the sky is falling.

USA/Israel is an insane psychopth constantly PROJECTING.

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PS: The world is watching. So is God.

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This is a must read must think about must examine must do something soon if not immediately post.https://open.substack.com/pub/heininger/p/tipping-point-how-middle-eastern?r=16lm0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Well said Mark; on the money. Great show guys.

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Unbelievable stuff. We’re up a creek without a paddle.

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