The U.S. is occupied by Zionazis who are destroying us from within. They’ll provoke WW3 then hide in their DUMBS while we all suffer the consequences of their policies on the surface.

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If the Cuban Missile Crisis had gone on a couple of more days, who knows what would have happened? I have a guess.

I also guess I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.

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Radio Free Europe have become the RRG I wonder who they’ll get to play Lord Haw Haw? ‘Germany Calling’

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All those "punch a nazi" liberals in the west were/are fake as hell

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What is Shrouded in Darkness shall be revealed by the Light

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That is right. From time immemorial states have armed their elite, most-devoted units with second- or third-rate weapons.

Everybody knows the Praetorian Guard had to put up with rusty old swords, worn-out sandals, and the slow, leftover horses.

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Are all the 'Super Yachts' owned by Jews?


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To Shoot the Barbarian

In China: The "Tromp" Incident and its Ramifications.




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It’s not the photos of Hunter with prostitutes and cocaine we should be talking about but the photos of hunter with young children wearing lingerie….! Let alone evidence on the laptop of Creepy’s involvement in the business dealings with foreign companies and governments….!

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