Nov 1, 2023Liked by Mark Sleboda

Mark has got to have the coolest background decor. Kept hoping one of his crows would decide to join the panel.

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The "New" Axis of evil, these delusional lunatics will actually believe their own BS. Without once giving the thought. "We all know we are responsible for many hundreds of thousands of innocent elderly, men, women & children's deaths, we all know we dropped 2 atomic bombs on civilian cities, carpet bombed Vietnam for lunch then for desert we gave them our favourite Orange pudding, then we unselfishly delivered plenty if Urainium tipped shells & pospherous munitions to Serbia, Iraq & most likely others. We also didn't mind inviting people to our holiday resort on Cuba, Guantanamo bay. To give them our best hospitality, we've never once acted as evil as everyone of those tyrannical countries ". After all we are the US, we believe in freedom & democracy if half a million civilians are slaughtered it's collateral damage, these aren't evil actions. It's war these things can't be helped. Real evil is Russia look at how many innocent Nazi's ..... Sorry my mistake civilians they've killed in Ukraine. Now that is real evil. These nations will stop at nothing being as evil as they are. The journalists they're delivering their wise words to, won't question them, they won't bring up any of their past. They'll nod their heads in agreement & then start baying for blood. The media will have arguments & discussions with fellow journalists debating the best way to punish these evil doers. Sanctions, sanctions don't do enough to punish these evil countries. We need to really punish them. We should attack them in anyway we know will hurt them the most. We need to get rid of their leaders they'll say.

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Recently I emailed my Congressman. Yesterday I received a long and detailed response. In his response he referred to Russia, China and Iran as the main threats to the USA.

What have those three nations ever done to us? What have we done to them for hundreds of years in the case of China? What have we done for 80 years in the case of The Soviet Union/Russia and Iran?

My representative exhibited the typical propagandized ignorance of the American mainstream.

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It doesn't surprise me 90% of Congress only know the propaganda & lies the media has spouted. None of them bother to research the matters. It's unbelievable the stuff these people believe are actual facts to the point it's very dangerous. The American Congress is sadly a reflection of most western countries now. They have the inability to think for themselves & just follow like the sheep they are. They stumble from one disaster to another, only to be shielded from their mistakes by their media cheer leaders. It's a disgrace so many infrastructure projects need doing in America that are ignored. To send Billions abroad to cause death & destruction. No one is attacking America, no one is planning to attack America. Yet all we hear is, it's about American security. If Americans visited the Russian or Chinese cities, most would collapse in shock. They've been told so many lies & propaganda. The truth is America is so far behind & it's becoming much worse. The media will state everything is stolen from America, like the technology & the rest of it. These places have developed items America is no where near. It's blatant lies to hide their mistakes. It all comes out in the end, sadly the money wasted causing death & destruction. Could have been invested into America, if that wad the case, everyone would be in awe of the place. Sadly it's became a joke.

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Davy, you said it very well. I'm not done with my Rep yet. I'm sending him a rebuttal today. I'll try to educate him but I suspect he gets donations from AIPAC and the arms lobby. I'm going to ask. ;-)

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It's all you can do, keep at him. Funnily enough I chased my local representative from my door a couple of days ago. They're the opposition party but, they're aligning with the leadership. So I told them exactly what they are & don't bother coming knocking around my door again. It's all we can do let them know how unhappy we are. The more the better, that's when they start thinking they're going to lose their privileged position. Being ad selfish as they are, that's all they're really cared about.

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I wrote my rep a rebuttal this morning and gave him Hell.

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Followed you back.

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Sheesh. I really miss RT.

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My sentiments exactly! Additionally irksome not to be able to open the Sputnik links that Karlof1 so often recommends in his posts. Brave New World my a**!

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America isn't Home of the Brave, Land of the Free. America is Home of the Scared, Land of the Sheep.

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The Axis of Evil is the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

As Mark Sleboda suggests in his reference to George Orwell, America's rhetoric about a new Axis of Evil™ is about promoting its latest Two Minutes of Hate campaign against the USA's ever-growing enemies list.

Though to be honest, being placed by the US on this list is actually quite the compliment.

If Uncle Satan hates you, then you are probably doing something right. ;-)

After all, America is a world empire. Or as Joe Biden recently put it, the USA is the most powerful nation in the history of the world!!!

Thus, resistance to America is the ultimate geopolitical thought crime.

Axis of Evil™=Axis of Resistance.

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Americans have no idea how screwed we are.

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"Free enterprise and free competition" is a fairy tale, a legend. The reality is monopoly and oligopoly.

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The real axis of evil is the USA the UK and the EU

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Everytime I try to politely educate yankees on these countries I get blocked, they are intellectually lazy and dishonest, I've given up

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