Lindsey is another Curtis LeMay as in “bombs away with Curt LeMay Vietnam war days! Has the USA got a special secret place where they selectively breed these nut job politicians?
Normally some editorial artist somewhere will get it right, however the cartoon today is a fail. A horse mounting Lindsay Graham is much more probable than the other ways around.
What I'd really expect is a cartoon showing Senator Linseed Gay-ham on top of the Federal Bank building, cross-dressed. S/he/it is throwing Ukrainian babies and bags of money in the general direction of the East, while Boeing and Lockheed are busy shoving a spine up her/him/it's backside (edit: and failing, no spine can take hold in that swamp creature).
This kind og angloamerican should not be allowed to hide behind his post and be put on trial for meddling and promoting Ukrainian aggression against Russians in Donbass. Angloamericans parade themselves around the world like untouchable criminals.
Remember Lindsay never pronounce anything unintelligent. He is local,provincial and coward,poorly educated, rural but not intelligent like local but ignorant.
He is able only to propose stupidity ; in his record. Go and find.
I have ambivalent feelings towards elected officials, who have never served in their nation’s military much less in combat defending our values, deciding to dispatch thousands of young men to fight and likely die for . . . some campaign contributors’ financial interests.
Graham should have been hung in Ukraine for having the audacity to tell Ukrainians to go to be slaughtered for him & his ideology. You'd have thought the Ukrainians would have realised by now.
Lindsey Graham is one evil son of a bitch, he should be given a commission and he can lead the troops in the attack of Russia
Lindsey is another Curtis LeMay as in “bombs away with Curt LeMay Vietnam war days! Has the USA got a special secret place where they selectively breed these nut job politicians?
A sick, corrupt, terminal empire breeds almost nothing but freaks.
LeMay was a ghoul. So is Graham.
Normally some editorial artist somewhere will get it right, however the cartoon today is a fail. A horse mounting Lindsay Graham is much more probable than the other ways around.
What I'd really expect is a cartoon showing Senator Linseed Gay-ham on top of the Federal Bank building, cross-dressed. S/he/it is throwing Ukrainian babies and bags of money in the general direction of the East, while Boeing and Lockheed are busy shoving a spine up her/him/it's backside (edit: and failing, no spine can take hold in that swamp creature).
This kind og angloamerican should not be allowed to hide behind his post and be put on trial for meddling and promoting Ukrainian aggression against Russians in Donbass. Angloamericans parade themselves around the world like untouchable criminals.
Well, let's not forget, it is their Rules-Based Order.
The rest of humanity is supposed to suck it up.
But God is watching. A day of judgement is bound to come.
Remember Lindsay never pronounce anything unintelligent. He is local,provincial and coward,poorly educated, rural but not intelligent like local but ignorant.
He is able only to propose stupidity ; in his record. Go and find.
I have ambivalent feelings towards elected officials, who have never served in their nation’s military much less in combat defending our values, deciding to dispatch thousands of young men to fight and likely die for . . . some campaign contributors’ financial interests.
Senator Shrilly! Ha, ha.
Senators sickening idiots. Mark, if I arrive at leninskaya hotel msy5 -12 will you meet me. Ralph Schultz. Retired econ prof.
Imagine if one day American politicians faced consequences for their actions
Graham should have been hung in Ukraine for having the audacity to tell Ukrainians to go to be slaughtered for him & his ideology. You'd have thought the Ukrainians would have realised by now.