Of course the West expected a bloodier and more violent coup -- the US has a leader who sent an F-16 to blow up a weather balloon, so Americans are primed for overreaction. The US has never understood Russia or Putin, nor do they want to because the US and NATO need an enemy to justify their crimes.
Of course the West expected a bloodier and more violent coup -- the US has a leader who sent an F-16 to blow up a weather balloon, so Americans are primed for overreaction. The US has never understood Russia or Putin, nor do they want to because the US and NATO need an enemy to justify their crimes.
What do these PEOPLE have in common?Prigozhin,Zelenky,Kolomoisky,Wolfwowitz,
Yellen,Blinken,Soros,Solovyov,Epstein,Bernanke,Greenspan, Berezovsky,Deripaska,
Mikhelson,Fridman, Prokhorov, Khan,Abramovich,Moshe Kantor,Mamut,Nesis,
Moshkovich,Boris Rotenberg...and ON and On