The future path of this war is not a moral issue, a tactical issue or a strategic issue, it is a banking issue. The US and its wobbly NATO elites are stuck between the failed dollar and their eroded industries. They will fight a Nazified, racist war against Russia and China because they have nothing left under their emperor's clothes, and all of us will pay the price for their stupid hubris.

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Excellent summary of this wasteful unnecessary war.

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USA come to Russia border, Russia come to Finish border, that is poor Russian response.

Russia must answer more but painfuly to US.

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The arsenal of democracy is doing a booming business.

It is just the wrong business - i.e. not the business of providing military capability.

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Great article - thanks Mark!

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Yes, the West lavishes weapons, money and PR upon Ukraine, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

What does Russia propose to do about it?

Meanwhile, I note that The Big Winter Offensive still hasn't happened. I am concerned that the Russian leadership continues not to take this war seriously.

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