It's a waste of time trying to tell partisan Democrats--especially those in the self-styled Resistance--any of this. They are historically illiterate. They think that between George C Scott and Tom Hanks, the US won WWII single-handedly. And their concept of "diversity" does not include artificial countries that contain ethnic, religious, or ethnic minorities.

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What does Russia propose to do about it?

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You're joking, right?

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

What does that mean? Of course, Zaluzhnyi is a fascist. Nobody in the West cares, as moral arguments mean nothing to societies led by sociopaths.

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"What does Russia propose to do about it?"

Does de-nazify ring a bell? De-militarize? Return Ukraine to a neutral state? Push NATO back to 1997 borders?

That is what Putin has stated very clearly, on multiple occasions, is what Russia proposes to do about it.

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A year in, and Russia has accomplshed none of these things, nor, unfortunately, is Russia close to accomplishing any of these things.

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I suspect Russia is prepared for a long war against NATO.

They already demolished the original NATO-built army, back around June. They also demolished the makeshift army scrabbled together in July, wrecked by November.

Now its largely old men, young women and "mercenaries", & the NATO cupboards are running bare. Zelensky can beg all he wants, very little left to send.

Russia is closer than you think.

You may not have noticed, but they upped the ante quite a bit today. And now there is a deep freeze, which will enable the tanks to roll.

The agreement with Turkeye will expose a new front in Syria against the US base.

On the economic front, everytime we sanction Russia, we open a new industry there & simultaneously shoot ourselves in the foot.

Winter has finally arrived.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

I hope that you prove correct, but I have seen no sign that the Ukrainian army (bolstered with mercenaries and sheep-dipped NATO troops) is anywhere close to giving up fighting.

And the West is nowhere near to being out of material, especially as they progressively lose any fear of Russia, ignoring red line after red line.

Russia will have to do much much more than it has.

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The US used to fight fascists, now we fund them.

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You're correct that the USSR did indeed win WWII, but fifth columnist Ukrainian Fascist collaborators had nothing to do with it.

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When Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland becomes NATO's new head, if Zaluzhnyi is still alive, then they can have a "Viking/Übermensch" orgy at the Stephan Bandera Temple inside NATO's HQ.

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