Zelenskiy’s puffery reminds me of the Black Knight vs. King Arthur in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Also, didn’t Crimea vote much earlier to join the Russian Federation as well? Two referenda won overwhelmingly, not just the second referendum which was certified as Mark said by the OSCE? And, finally, it is being advocated by no less august an organization than the Atlantic Council that it ought to be a criminal offense to say what I just said. Spreading Russian narratives filled with disinformation, don’t you know. Meaning, of course, truth inconvenient to the Empire. As Julian Assange is smeared in The Telegraph, which prides itself on never printing anything that could be confused with the truth.

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OK, HERE IS MY PEACE PLAN: 1. ALL of what was Russia before Lenin moved it into Ukr, goes back to Russia, immediately. 2. People can vote, if they don't want to stay there, they can leave. 3. The Western Galician pUkrainians unconditionally surrender. 4. If they do not surrender they are executed. 5. Zelensky and Budanov and other supreme villains get heads cut off and world gets to see Bushkazi played with their heads.

That would make me happy. OFFER THIS TO ZELENSKY.

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Cocainsky cannot sign even an autograph as President anymore.

Why is anyone paying attention to that powder-filled puppet is beyond me.🤷🏻‍♀️

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With the generalized collapse all along the front line, could definitely see a coup with Zaluzhnyi on a white stallion (or a pink pony) arriving to save the day (in the US’s dreams) or at least changing the mood until November.

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One and a half minutes of windbaggery? You lot are slipping again. Pack it in.

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