
Ukraine Conflict

My longform discussion on Press TV's Insight with Sam Torabi 02/02/23

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Discussion about this video

Wow. Two intelligent, very well informed people talking with each other, in order that their conversation might inform their listeners and watchers, not to merely entertain them. What a concept! Great TV.

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Mark, you need to let the host have a chance to ask you a few questions, and not steam roll him if you want to get invited back.

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Very sad situation indeed.

Praying for a peaceful resolution!

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A little late!

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It's never late to make peace! Of course there is immense damage inflicted, but how long can this continue?

Look at the Vietnam, Iraq, Afghan, Kosova, Bosnia, etc wars! Did the aggressors win those wars, apart from people becoming animals and hating each other to death?

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I agree. Mark ,sometimes yourare so into your narrative that you just dont listen. The combination of that plus your tendency to shout is very off-putting.

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I more notice that at the initial question he just didnt quickly get to the quwstion of numbers, but then the interviewer intervened with anwith a more distracting question. Else mark was totally ok, no shouting i negatively noticed and also when i paid cloae attention, he let sam speak out until he was done.

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no "Z" pin?

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