Reality about Trump's warmongering agenda for Ukraine:


"...(Democrats said I never met) and released the military aid to Ukraine without any conditions or investigations - and far ahead of schedule. I also allowed Ukraine to purchase Javelin anti-tank missiles. My Administration has done far more than the previous Administration."

To all the Trumptards: please don't start with your "trust the Plan" or "Trump is playing 3-D chess" bullshit.

Trump DELIBERATELY hired the very people that supposedly 'sabotaged' his agenda to "drain the swamp," people like Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Rex Tillerson, Gina Haspel, Nikki Haley (yes, her!), Jay Powell, David Wurmser, Antony Fauci, and Elliott Abrams who is a convicted war criminal by the way.

It was Trump's Administration that transferred US NATO troops from Germany to Poland and Romania, it's was the Trump Administration that ended the INF Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, and it was Trump who started sending lethal military 'aid' to Ukraine and even bragged about it on Twitter.

Trump is 100% pro-Israel, pro-MIC, pro-Big Pharma, pro-Wall Street, and just another Deep State puppet who's job it is to make you THINK and give you HOPE that there is an alternative. There is not!

My thoughts on Trump: https://open.substack.com/pub/fulgurite4779/p/trump-and-epsteinacosta-bill-gates

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Jesus Christ when will Americans realise it doesn't matter who is in power in the Whitehouse, they have no control of the deep states foreign policies. America has warmonger Ed none stop since WW2 regardless who was in power. Sokn as America got a President who tried to dismantle the deep state he was murdered by them. But yous are still obsessed with dems & reps. Open your eyes man, every single year since WW2 all the US does is cause death & destruction in foreign lands for christ sake.

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Think he’s mostly aiming at “Angie” who seems to be taken with Trump. Most of us long ago saw through phony American “democracy”.

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Ok. So we should vote for Bii-den?

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That's always the 'tactic:' you allow yourself to be blackmailed to vote for either clown.

Next will come the usual gaslighting: "you're a Hillary/Biden fan."

No I'm NOT! Look at the FACTS from Trump's 'Presidency' and be honest: all his 'mistakes' coincidentally worked out HUGELY in favour of NATO and the Deep State.

Remember his bogus claims how 'he would end NATO' and 'bring the troops home?' Well, what did he do? Nothing, except spend more billions on the MIC and love US NATO troops closer to Ukraine!

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He did end the US occupation of Afghanistan -- finally.

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Vote for Donald Biden!

Or vote for Joseph Trump!

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No. Vote for an anti-war candidate (eg Green Party) even if you don't like their other policies. You HAVE to send a message that the DemRep uniparty is not for you. An alternative party is not going to win (likely) but the message will be heard, just as those who refused to vote Biden in the Michigan primary.

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Apparently, the Nazis erred badly by not stressing the number of jobs created for German workers in the death camps.

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Greatly appreciate all of Mark’s offerings, but usually find the “long-form” interviews the most rewarding.

Wonder what “plants” the Europeans want to send to Ukraine? That’s one thing they seem to have in abundance.

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As Garland Nixon said the Republican opposition to funding is a favor to the dems since they can't actually produce equipment, it's an order from the true bosses

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