A perennial feature of the so-called “culture wars” in the US political theatre is the idea of a “War on Christmas”, where many American Christians have lamented what they see as the ever-increasing societal secularization, commercialization, and commodification
Thank you Mark for sharing this information. The video of the children singing the twisted carol is pure evil. Indoctrinating impressionable children with hate is sinister.
It would be great if you and Vanessa recorded a conversation about the attack on Christianity in Ukraine and Syria along with the many overlapping common themes.
Thank you Mark for sharing this information. The video of the children singing the twisted carol is pure evil. Indoctrinating impressionable children with hate is sinister.
Have you seen Vanessa's blog, "The Western backed persecution of Syrian Christians in Idlib"? https://beeley.substack.com/p/the-western-backed-persecution-of
It would be great if you and Vanessa recorded a conversation about the attack on Christianity in Ukraine and Syria along with the many overlapping common themes.