From "rocket misfires" to "bad weather," Israel is copying Ukraine. Let's hope Israel ends up the same.

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I feel compelled to point out that the money printer goes brrrrr theme is no longer applicable. The US has unsustainable debt and fiscal trajectories, money is, therefore, no longer free. In other words, they can't borrow with such a disastrous balance sheet and they can't print because of inflation. They have to reign in spending somehow, and with current political dysfunction and obligations, the prospects for such are grim. Fun times!

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these attacks may not change the course but shows some weakness in the Russia defense and it is a embarrassment for Russia. It keeps getting smacked by Ukraine with no real response. It also hints that if Ukraine had full access to these western provided weapons, Russia might be in real trouble. For westerners this indicates weakness from the Russian side whether true or not and only incentivises them to continue helping Ukraine.

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I know all the reasons, but Putin is gonna lose support over shit like this. GET IT FINISHED. MacGregor agrees!

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i agree.

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I always enjoy it when the Sputnik guy says "helps makes".

He's so darn educated and articulate, but throws in the that little Ebonic to ... I don't know. Keep it real?

I still have no clear idea what or who Sputnik Radio is. But I hope their broadcast coverage growths.

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Isn'tReal and Kiev scrambling like roaches when you turn the lights on

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The viciousness of the Israeli response is indicative of a betrayed politician.

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