Thank God, they finally gave a worthwhile response to the constant escalations. By the corrupt lying hypocrites in the West. Not a bad response with,considering they were just shovels controlled with washing machine chips, all paid for by an economy that's in "Tatters I tell you Tatters". Only a descendant of an Nazi could come out with propaganda about Russia like that.
By the reactions I've seen, it's clear the Western bridge trolls and racist sewer rats are simply going to dig deeper into the mud and cling to their assumptions and propaganda.
The NATO cheerleaders see these no different from other Russian missiles, and they repeat the belief those can be intercepted, so they see no threat here. In fact they see North Korea and Iran as the ones making up for Russia's weakness.
The last point again illustrates the empire's narrative pivot to other wars.
Let's hope these moves in Ukraine Washington is simply a release of a cache of promises that were waiting to be dumped after the election, as Washington appeared to be placating Europe and Ukraine.
Let's hope this is more of the same narrative preparation for a total collapse in delusional prospects for defeating Russia, and to sell project failure on the Trump administration, concealing the obvious farce and imperialism we all know from NATO.
Mark Sleboda is a brilliant geopolitical analyst, anything to do with the Russian conflict there is no one better
Thank God, they finally gave a worthwhile response to the constant escalations. By the corrupt lying hypocrites in the West. Not a bad response with,considering they were just shovels controlled with washing machine chips, all paid for by an economy that's in "Tatters I tell you Tatters". Only a descendant of an Nazi could come out with propaganda about Russia like that.
By the reactions I've seen, it's clear the Western bridge trolls and racist sewer rats are simply going to dig deeper into the mud and cling to their assumptions and propaganda.
The NATO cheerleaders see these no different from other Russian missiles, and they repeat the belief those can be intercepted, so they see no threat here. In fact they see North Korea and Iran as the ones making up for Russia's weakness.
The last point again illustrates the empire's narrative pivot to other wars.
Let's hope these moves in Ukraine Washington is simply a release of a cache of promises that were waiting to be dumped after the election, as Washington appeared to be placating Europe and Ukraine.
Let's hope this is more of the same narrative preparation for a total collapse in delusional prospects for defeating Russia, and to sell project failure on the Trump administration, concealing the obvious farce and imperialism we all know from NATO.