I feel like there is a sort of lack of dignity to this war.
Imagine if a few weeks after D-Day Hitler announced that he was willing to have a ceasefire with all the Allied armies on all fronts. And just be a nice guy, he was going to let Russia keep all her territory, but he wasn't going to "give back" France (because fair is fair).
Zelensky and his NeoCon bosses make Hitler look sane. The coke rumors may be more than just rumors. He seems out of touch with reality.
And at this point I'm not sure Putin can go back to making nice gestures. A lot of Russian boys have died. And he needs to get re-elected at some point. I admire the guy, but he can't set up Russia for a repeat of this war. He has to wipe out the Nazis. Period.
Those marines sent to flounder in a swamp, the bodies piling up. And the regime calls it a "bridgehead" as if it's Normandy and it's going to lead to bigger and better things.
Canadians have always felt a certain bitterness over the Dieppe "raid". But an argument can be made that the experiment taught many lessons that paid off later on D Day. I don't know whether that's true or not.
But Mark is right: this cynical regime is happy to sacrifice thousands of men for the sake of the Info War.
I feel like there is a sort of lack of dignity to this war.
Imagine if a few weeks after D-Day Hitler announced that he was willing to have a ceasefire with all the Allied armies on all fronts. And just be a nice guy, he was going to let Russia keep all her territory, but he wasn't going to "give back" France (because fair is fair).
Zelensky and his NeoCon bosses make Hitler look sane. The coke rumors may be more than just rumors. He seems out of touch with reality.
And at this point I'm not sure Putin can go back to making nice gestures. A lot of Russian boys have died. And he needs to get re-elected at some point. I admire the guy, but he can't set up Russia for a repeat of this war. He has to wipe out the Nazis. Period.
Those marines sent to flounder in a swamp, the bodies piling up. And the regime calls it a "bridgehead" as if it's Normandy and it's going to lead to bigger and better things.
Canadians have always felt a certain bitterness over the Dieppe "raid". But an argument can be made that the experiment taught many lessons that paid off later on D Day. I don't know whether that's true or not.
But Mark is right: this cynical regime is happy to sacrifice thousands of men for the sake of the Info War.
Ukrainians, wake up!
Giving a homicidal madman control over a half million soldiers makes a lot of sense.
We live in an era of farce
I think Putin needs to use a heavy hand now that this psychopath is in charge on the Ukraine Military...