The Political Misfits are quite naive if they think that it's only conservatives who get the labels wrong. Yes, the "right" is absurd in its characterization of liberals as "communists" or "leftists," but Democrats -- who with their extreme censorship and political persecution of all things pro-Russian and pro-Palestinian are acting more and more like fascists -- are labeling conservatives as fascists. The projection is mind boggling. Biden's DOJ is going after, not only Trump, but RT, Scott Ritter, Dimitry Simes, and the Uhuru 3. If that's not fascism, I have a bridge to sell you. So the obnoxious Michelle Witte should open her eyes and ears, and take a long, hard look at what's happening on her side of the fence.

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and how do you label the "left", that is, what is it left of??? It is left in that it defies practical solutions of having people actually WORK for their own livelihood, and having parents raise their children instead of letting them in the street, to run with uncontrolled people (in groups, usually called "gangs" and instilling gang "morality", which is an oxymoron.) Left doesn't care that dissenting groups ROB, BURN, DESTROY other peoples' properties, in essence having temper tantrums of unbelievable scale and financial impact on THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT THE GROUP IS DISSENTING ABOUT, unless the group is dissenting that working people actually EARN money honestly. I don't "get" the slant of this article NOR your comment. Guess I'm just too poor and middle class to understand the "brilliance" here.

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Mark might be overstating the closeness of Mongolia and Russia. Mongolia is doing an 'Erdogan' hugging both sides. Apparently China is not happy about gas pipe passing through Mongolia from Russia as not viewed as totally immune western pressure. Other alternative media are not in support of Mark's claim that Mongolia is close to BRICS.

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"Democratic votes". Very Orwellian.

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When are the ones in the Middle East who have been charged going to be arrested? Never. No organization is legitimate unless the laws pertain equally to all. To pick and choose who will be arrested according to political ideology is a sham. No country will abide by a kangaroo court. Why would they?

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