In "Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis" Blinken presents Europe with a tremendous opportunity to freeze to death under hegemonic vassalhood. A review of Blinkin's book spells it out
This book, written in 1987, goes a long way in explaining the context for the NordStream sabotage of 26 September 2022.
In "Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis" Blinken presents Europe with a tremendous opportunity to freeze to death under hegemonic vassalhood. A review of Blinkin's book spells it out
This book, written in 1987, goes a long way in explaining the context for the NordStream sabotage of 26 September 2022.
It seems that Ronald Reagan in 1982 didn’t want Russia (then the Soviet Union) to enrich itself by selling abundant, cheap natural gas to Europe either. As Mr. Blinkin explains in great detail, Reagan went to extreme lengths to impede the construction of the Trans-Siberian pipeline that brought that abundant, cheap natural gas to Europe and facilitated its economic flourishing. Reagan asserted US extraterritorial jurisdiction over European companies to retroactively void contracts, ban the sale of European pipeline equipment to the Soviets, and prevent US companies from doing business with the Soviets.
Unfortunately for Reagan, European leaders at the time, including Helmut Schmidt, Françoise Mitterand, and … Margaret Thatcher (!?!), had the determination and fortitude to defend their respective national interests and force Reagan to back down. This was a major humiliation for the Russia haters in the Reagan Administration. Mr.Blinkin does state that the primary motivation for stopping the pipeline was to hurt Russia economically and maintain European dependence upon the US. Nobody talks about this today. Blinkin; however, never forgot this lesson.
If mighty Mr. Reagan couldn’t stop the Trans-Siberian pipeline, how could the even bigger and more consequential Nordstream pipelines be stopped? How can the US maintain its hegemony over Europe? Now you have your answer. Dèjá vu, all over again—only worse.
In "Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis" Blinken presents Europe with a tremendous opportunity to freeze to death under hegemonic vassalhood. A review of Blinkin's book spells it out
This book, written in 1987, goes a long way in explaining the context for the NordStream sabotage of 26 September 2022.
It seems that Ronald Reagan in 1982 didn’t want Russia (then the Soviet Union) to enrich itself by selling abundant, cheap natural gas to Europe either. As Mr. Blinkin explains in great detail, Reagan went to extreme lengths to impede the construction of the Trans-Siberian pipeline that brought that abundant, cheap natural gas to Europe and facilitated its economic flourishing. Reagan asserted US extraterritorial jurisdiction over European companies to retroactively void contracts, ban the sale of European pipeline equipment to the Soviets, and prevent US companies from doing business with the Soviets.
Unfortunately for Reagan, European leaders at the time, including Helmut Schmidt, Françoise Mitterand, and … Margaret Thatcher (!?!), had the determination and fortitude to defend their respective national interests and force Reagan to back down. This was a major humiliation for the Russia haters in the Reagan Administration. Mr.Blinkin does state that the primary motivation for stopping the pipeline was to hurt Russia economically and maintain European dependence upon the US. Nobody talks about this today. Blinkin; however, never forgot this lesson.
If mighty Mr. Reagan couldn’t stop the Trans-Siberian pipeline, how could the even bigger and more consequential Nordstream pipelines be stopped? How can the US maintain its hegemony over Europe? Now you have your answer. Dèjá vu, all over again—only worse.