The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and Podcasts
One Year Anniversary of the US Destruction of the Nordstream Gas Pipelines, Seymour Hersh's New Piece on the Biden Admin's Lies & Motivations, and more...
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -18:14

One Year Anniversary of the US Destruction of the Nordstream Gas Pipelines, Seymour Hersh's New Piece on the Biden Admin's Lies & Motivations, and more...

Radio Interview on the Final Countdown 26/09/23


  • One year anniversary of the US Destruction of the Russian-German Nordsteam Gas Pipelines

  • The BS prepared cover story of “some rando group of Ukrainians on a decripit little old pleasure yacht” did it, that is being promulgated by dutiful compliant Western MSM - Washington Post & Deutsche Welle formost among them

  • Seymour Hersh’s new piece on the anniversary showing that the initial Biden admin plan & threats to carry through with the destruction of the Nordstream pipelines were meant to deter Russia’s intervention in the long Ukrainian civil conflict but then shifted to a motivation of making sure Germany’s bridges were burnt and they couldn’t go back to cooperation with Russia.


  • Blinken’s Obsession with Russian Gas Pipelines and Their Threat to US Primacy in Europe
    Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis: Blinken, Antony J.: 9780275924102: Books

  • Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to a Literal Nazi - A Canadian-Ukrainian veteran of the Galician Waffen SS in World War 2

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Discussion about this episode

I can't believe there are no comments!

That Einsatz Commando has no right to have the first name Yaroslav! Yaroslav the Wise is a hero to me.

Mark, here in the USA Larry Johnson shared the same information you just shared. In Britain George Galloway did a 20 minute rant about how the Canadian Parliament pissed on the graves of Canadian Soldiers who died in WW2. Nuland and her Canadian Nazi girlfriend are disgusting.

Blinky is a Zio-Nazi. You called him a Neocon and Neocons have a Nazi mindset. Therefore Zionist Neocons are Zio-Nazis. Here we have Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis, Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis and they control our government and media.

In 1945 the USA imported a couple of hundred Nazis with Project Paperclip. One hardcore Nazi put the USA on the Moon. Nazi engineering was most elegant in those days.

In 1945 the USA picked up where the German Nazis left off. When NATO was formed in 1948 many high ranking German Nazis were installed in high positions in NATO. In 1950 American wars began and go on to this day. James Madison the 4th US President wrote, "If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.".

Our military doesn't exist to defend us but for profit to enrich the Oligarchs who own the politicians and media.

End rant.

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Heh, that's a rant? I ranted a few times so bad on youtube that I lost an account. I just post, I don't make videos. I heard George and Larry. I didn't listen to this yet. Will do later.

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I got booted off Twitter./X a few days ago. I'm constantly told by X that most people wouldn't post things like that. F@CKEM!

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ah, the twit. Me to. Then I got back on. Then 2x. But I'm back..... he he he he

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Got a question. On Sep 25 I pretty much trashed Trudeau on twitter or X over the Waffen SS thing in Canada. Basically, just stating what Wiesenthal people said and saying contact them or MOSSAD. Or saying hilarious stuff that got "likes."

SINCE THEN, I am getting no notifications (I use computer) on X, no ADS!! and I don't think anyone can see my posts. 2 new people followed me, but I got no notice of it. I got no warning from X or any reprimand prob cuz I didn't break rules. Someone else said it happened to him for awhile cuz someone? didn't like what he was posting. First thing HE noticed was no ads! ADS are pretty good for good stuff, which I ended up getting.

ANOTHER really strange thing. I got an EMAIL from X with a bunch of tweets listed on there. When I clicked on each one, it took me to the tweet. It happened once. That was new. Do you or anyone you know have ANY clue? Thanks!

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Consider how people end up on Zelenski's hit list. Many have been killed. Some famous people are on the list like Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame. Of course the idiot Sean Penn is favored because he sucks up to Zelenski and is a propagandist.

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Yes. You're being shadow banned. So much for Elon Musk and his freedom of speech bullshit. You have to keep in mind he has a lot of government contracts.

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Hmm, will it be lifted? I didn't even say anything all that bad.

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It will be unless you get a message from X telling you that you're banned. They let you back in if you delete the "hateful" comment.

I wrote a comment that Milley should be executed for war crimes and crimes against humanity. That got me banned for writing a hateful comment. They said if I deleted it I could resume posting. I left it up for a week before I did.😁

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The Telegram Channel and Rumble is where the suppressed go because we don't give up and work around the Nazi assholes. It's a Revolution of Thought and the Nazi assholes consider us Information Terrorists.

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Well, I see MOSTLY animal videos on the twit, so I like that. I go to rumble when my faves are banned off YT. I hope they can at least see my likes.

Most of political stuff I get is NOT from twitter. It's from here (Mark) or YT or rumble.

But the ADS. I bought some REALLY useful stuff based on ads I saw. Stuff I never heard of or saw anywhere else. I looked up the stuff after going to the website shown on twitter, got the name of it, then looked on either amazon or temu and bought it. very very useful good stuff. I never saw ads for this kind of stuff anywhere else. What purpose does it serve to not show me ads? That makes NO sense.

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They make $ from ads. That's their revenue source just like TV.

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But why stop showing ME ads? I did that "search" thing and my twit name came up all right. Hmm.

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I love your laugh. He he he.

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honestly it's hard to think of anything to say. History is repeating itself and the jackboots will soon be on all western throats. All that's left to do is bare with the bad trends

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Forget say how about DO. Eventually people just might DO something. Think French Revolution. Think Jihad.

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Americans? CANADIANS??? Doubtful tbh

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Much respect to Mr.Hersh, he's a dying breed

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In "Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis" Blinken presents Europe with a tremendous opportunity to freeze to death under hegemonic vassalhood. A review of Blinkin's book spells it out

This book, written in 1987, goes a long way in explaining the context for the NordStream sabotage of 26 September 2022.

It seems that Ronald Reagan in 1982 didn’t want Russia (then the Soviet Union) to enrich itself by selling abundant, cheap natural gas to Europe either. As Mr. Blinkin explains in great detail, Reagan went to extreme lengths to impede the construction of the Trans-Siberian pipeline that brought that abundant, cheap natural gas to Europe and facilitated its economic flourishing. Reagan asserted US extraterritorial jurisdiction over European companies to retroactively void contracts, ban the sale of European pipeline equipment to the Soviets, and prevent US companies from doing business with the Soviets.

Unfortunately for Reagan, European leaders at the time, including Helmut Schmidt, Françoise Mitterand, and … Margaret Thatcher (!?!), had the determination and fortitude to defend their respective national interests and force Reagan to back down. This was a major humiliation for the Russia haters in the Reagan Administration. Mr.Blinkin does state that the primary motivation for stopping the pipeline was to hurt Russia economically and maintain European dependence upon the US. Nobody talks about this today. Blinkin; however, never forgot this lesson.

If mighty Mr. Reagan couldn’t stop the Trans-Siberian pipeline, how could the even bigger and more consequential Nordstream pipelines be stopped? How can the US maintain its hegemony over Europe? Now you have your answer. Dèjá vu, all over again—only worse.

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You know Lady Colin Campbell, always talks about the Royals, mostly bashes Harry and Meghan. EVEN SHE OUTRIGHT SAID BIDEN BLEW UP THE PIPELINE. So, the royals know.

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