Mark, your assessment of Vlademir Vlademerovich Putin is very good. I like what you said about taking it on the chin and smiling.

Russia is very patient and methodical practicing Maskirovska. The NKVD snagged the British trained saboteurs, roughly interrogated them and acquired the information.

I like what you said about Russian restraint. In my opinion Russia is demonstrating to the world who the aggressor "bad guys" are. Russia is winning handily at geopolitics while the USA/NATO are made to look like inept fools.

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I agree with Galloway. This is Brit attacking Crimea! Russia needs to get even for this, knock them down. This patience also looks like weakness and a LOT of the world respects macho. As MacGregor said, Putin needs to get off his duff (butt).

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Recently also Russia snagged Ukr saboteurs trying to do damage to electric lines or ? to Nuke stuff. They fessed up that BRITS did this, trained them, sent them. Little pin pricks like in the Brit movies. Hell: HYPERSONIC the entire Parliament when they are in session. That would make ME happy. Get Brussels too.

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Time to bring the brits down a notch.

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Few nations have behaved as barbarically as the British and their North American Frankenstein. Millions dead and tens of millions of lives destroyed. Truly exceptional.

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This is getting out of hand. Russia’s inaction messages weakness or fear of nato and only emboldens biden and nato.

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EUNATO have no fear of retaliation strikes - there’s been none to now, other than a few sternly worded notes.

But ... that’s probably an acceptable option as there needs be at least one adult in the room.

Ceasing DIP Relationships with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania may have a stronger effect

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"Injuring all of a man's fingers is not as effective as chopping off one."- Mao Zedong

Russia is waiting for the opportunity to chop off a nazi finger

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Get people from Russia experts in the field, that speak fluent German to go do sabotage and such in Britain, BIG sabotage. And IF they get caught, when they confess, say Germany sent them.

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Hey Mark FYI the 636.3 can launch Kalibr cruise missiles and I say its highly likely this one has struck land targets in Ukraine.

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