What on earth has happened with Macron….or Europe…..are they blind? Where is this going…….????????????

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Macron periodically needs to grandstand. Little man, big ego.

Please don't take him seriously. No one else does.

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Yep, even his wife only likes him because he makes her laugh.

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Europe 's NATO forces are a joke. Only the masters of NATO, the Americans, have much of an army -- even that's not much to write home about -- and its deployment is not going to happen, especially in an election year with the most unpopular president in history desiring a second term.

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Macron's mouth is bigger than his brain, but the fact that he got a lot of pushback from other EU leaders is telling. He clearly didn't consult with them before blurting out his latest idiocy. The failed EU cannot afford the optics of thousands of EU soldiers coming home in body bags or being captured by the Russians. EU sanctions failed, and their militaries will fail on the battlefield. More sober heads understand that. Macron is a diva without an audience.

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He is like Trudy who thinks that YELLING with his mouth open REALLY BIG is gonna make Ukraine win. Pathetic.

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MAD (mutually assured destruction) is so 20th century. It is time for all non-NATO nations to stop shipping petroleum to all NATO nation until just solutions are found to the situations in Ukraine and Palestine and all current economic sanctions have been lifted.

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So long as it does not mess up me getting gas, I'm fine with it. Yeah, I AM thinking about myself. If I don't nobody else will.

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Biden does need the money (laundering). One more theft by the mafia thugs "running" the country. Enough is never enough. It would be interesting to see Biden's financial numbers have changed since "COVID."

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Nuke Kiev.

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I believe Russia would like to have Kiev back and intact. Let's switch target to Lviv, the heart of Nazi Ukraine.

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please keep trying to hammer i home that yankees do NOT control their government

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OK, looks like I can say it on here. Do you folks realize that The Jews, media, neocons, aipac etc control the US and prob most of the West? Looks like those conspiracy theories were RIGHT.

They always get too big, too arrogant and controlling, too hubraic (heh) and then they get smashed. Last time they almost got wiped ww2. This time? Hmm.

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This is all for show to make the Americans happy.

Almost none of the Euros spend near the 2% of GDP required of NATO members (as Trump complained of so much). And that is because they know Russia is not a threat. Poland does spend a lot on military, because they are paranoid about Russia.

The West is di-industrialized. Nordstream was blown up to cripple German industry. Russian industry is humming nicely.

The USA and UK have a recruiting crisis. Russia does not. Loads of volunteers for the SMO.

The Yankee and Euro wolves can huff and puff all they want, but Putin is living in a brick house. Quite a nice one, too.

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