This is starting to smell like Saigon in 1975?

I'm certain Kiev reeks of desperation. I wonder how many truckloads of Religious Icons people like Jordan Petersen have shipped out?

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As always, thank you, Mark. Like bernard, I also have a question. I know Karkhov is a very large city. Are there any reliable estimates of how many civilians remain there? Is there any fleeing going on? And, of the civilians that remain, how many identify as ethnically Russian? Will they at some point be able to flee in an easterly direction, toward the Russian lines?

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I can tell you it's a Russian city, most have stayed for now. But the majority who have left headed east to Russia. It's a totally Russian speaking city like the rest of the bigger cities in Eastern Ukraine. Without doubt there was a good amount of those who lived there, who were on the Ukrainian side of things. Most of the civilians who live in these Eastern cities including kharkov refused to vote in the last Ukrainian election, as they don't regocnise any of these political parties that sprang up after the 2014 coup as legitimate politicians.

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Thank you, Davy. Really appreciate it.

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Mark, yet again, highlights the huge gap between reality and the Western spin narrative.

Western weapons are not proving themselves and one can no longer send kit one no longer has. The cupboard really is bare.

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Deeply appreciate having the audio only option which is much less demanding on our limited bandwidth.

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I look forward to your commentary anightly, Mark~ Thanks, and just a question from an a real amateur.

Why can't Russia just continually bomb important regions in Ukraine, almost non-stop, until such time as the Ukr wave a white flag? As well as 'take out' utilities and energy resources' for the Ukr to pressure the public in Ukr to submit or rebel against their own regime?

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Russia does not want to take the Israeli route. Even the power stations were bombed after winter considering civilian distress. Earlier only the energy transmission grids were bombed as they can be repaired. Now, the energy generation stations are being bombed.

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Why would they do that? Imagine the optics. They are patient and don't care how long it takes.

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Rose, i realize that, but the war of attrition does take Russian lives. I'm not trying to be insensitive to the innocent civilians.

But, after all, there are NATO military personnel, probably directing the more complicated weaponry, in Ukraine. They have no sense of decency for Ukrainian lives, nor Russian lives. The war is lost, and they are just attempting to do enough damage to prolong it --- thats what it seems to me. Perhaps so that Biden doesn't look like he was defeated in his next election. I dunno. I could see the Russian gov't, forgetting about optics faced with a megalomanical group of USA neocons.

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