Reading half of the first sentence of Maria’s English intro is all that any sentient being would need to figure out who the real propagandist in that conversation was.

Hey, Maria. Release the entire video.

Are you too afraid of it showing any viewer who you really are?

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Good on you Mark for going on her program anyway, knowing she might go ahead and try to smear you in some fashion.

Your intellectual honesty and intelligence shines through to anyone with heart and half a brain.

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She turned the comments off on the YouTube interview. Liberal values of free speech and what not.

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The yahoo Romanian gal turned off all comments at her site. Clearly, she's a big fan of "EU values." (Romania must have been replete with nitwits like her when that country signed up to fight alongside the Mustachioed Man in WW 2)

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Manipulative, self-absorbed, Inflated ego, and many other disqualifications to be considered anything serious, but to be taken very seriously in the dangerous way this woman navigates her world and the damage She does within her reach and scope. She is the least of humanity not the best therefore she is no use to humanity in any positive aspect.

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Mark WTF man 😂🤣😂, I know you're thoroughly professional. But by christ you'll not have to be so polite next time. A raving uneducated lunatic wants an interview. You can never reason or win an argument with an idiot. Best of saying you're too busy. People like her are the type of person pacifist, who will comfort a victim of rape. By making excuses of why the rape happened to the poor victim. Until she gets raped herself & she'd instantly want the death penalty for all men. Anyone on this planet, who believes anyone could "persuade" the likes of the Western Ukrainian facist extremists, to be nice rational thinking people who could discuss, any political differences. With their sworn enemies is a delusional idiot who really really has mental problems.

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Do you have your own recording of the interview, Mark? If so, please release it.

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Maybe she is still suffering from a girlish crush on Nicolae Ceaușescu.

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You need to record the original and put that up, Mark.

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HER COMMENTS WERE TURNED ORF!! WTF! Oh Mark, she's sort of shafted ya there buddy . And looking at the state of her (??) lemon spread, what a hideous thought that is BTW !! ;-) So the only way to register my disapproval was downvote the video.

I'm noticing recently that comments are being disabled (on YT & even on some BitChute Channels) & on Twitter being restricted to people mentioned in the Tweet or subscribed to the channel. It's the digital equivalent of saying something then running away with your fingers stuck in your ears shouting "La La La La La". There's also the added advantage (for leftists) of restricting the 'airing' of opposing viewpoints, even making it look to anyone not paying close attention, that there ARE NO opposing viewpoints !

So 100 minutes edited down to 20. That is an awfully large amount of time missing if I may say & pretty much goes to show who the 'Poopaganda' expert is.

Mark, I'd be sticking with Rachel Blevins doing the interviews, going forward. And she's much nicer on the eye & the ear.

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She use to appear with another activist, I guess she ate him for lunch one day looking at how bloated she's gotten.

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Absolutely hilarious.

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Oh dear.

I thought that page-boy do looked a bit "suspect".

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She turned off comments...

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So, you prefer short hair to long....

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