Quite the democracy the US and EU is holding up in Ukraine. They are just emphasizing how dirty a word democracy is, especially when there are no qualifying adjectives. What kind of adjectives would describe Ukrainian democracy?

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The list may be endless.

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This is horrendous beyond words, these men know they're going to the front with hardly any equipment & no training. In the name of " democracy". & fighting for a facist regime they want nothing to do with. It's disgusting immoral & a war crime.

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Almost like the spontaneous celebration after Nordstream 2 blew up...

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Lunatics do that. It is really sad the number of "Americans" who are crying and anguished that another American was not murdered.

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What always gets me is the enormous chasm between following commentators such as Mark and thus getting a pretty fair picture of what is happening in Country 404, and knowing that the vast majority of normies in the West have no clue.

Biden and company can refer to Ukrainian "democracy" with a straight face. Stolenberg that block of Norwegian wood can tell the world NATO and Ukraine are on the way to glorious victory and the dumb Ruskies are getting destroyed.

And most of my fellow citizens believe all the lies.

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That pic.

Almost as if the poor kid WANTS to stay on his SCHOOL BUS.

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