They leak something about Ukrainian corruption, after the US has gave them 120 Billion dollars & the EU & UK have gave them 80 Billion Euro's. Basically 200 Billion dollars within 18. months. It's no wonder a of the top military & politicians of Ukraine have been buying up half of the tax free haven of Monaco. I wonder why no one has took the time or effort to audit this astronomical amount of money? Maybe it's because the ones so obsessed with funding this corrupt nest of vipers, received their kick backs. Put it this way it would be interesting to see how financially well off the politicians, in the US, UK & EU who have supported this funding have became recently. After all politicians don't receive fantastic salaries in the grand scheme of things. But I'd bet my house, the vast majority of these psychopathic warmongers are all millionaires now at the very least.
Why does Zelenski care how much money goes to Ukraine or how the war goes? Does he not realize this is just a NATO or even a Jewish war on Russia and Slavs? And that if he plays along he'll be handsomely repaid. Does he actually believe in Ukraine's innocence and America's benevolence? I can understand the wider public believing he's doing it for Ukraine given the propaganda but it's hard to understand how he could believe that.
they're scrambling
Nice Cartoon, just lacks Hunter Biden on top of the money bag removing 10% for Pops.
No one will be willing to replace Zelensky without substantial new funding from the USG.
Politico is leftist crap. Corruption my butt.
more like nazi crap
They leak something about Ukrainian corruption, after the US has gave them 120 Billion dollars & the EU & UK have gave them 80 Billion Euro's. Basically 200 Billion dollars within 18. months. It's no wonder a of the top military & politicians of Ukraine have been buying up half of the tax free haven of Monaco. I wonder why no one has took the time or effort to audit this astronomical amount of money? Maybe it's because the ones so obsessed with funding this corrupt nest of vipers, received their kick backs. Put it this way it would be interesting to see how financially well off the politicians, in the US, UK & EU who have supported this funding have became recently. After all politicians don't receive fantastic salaries in the grand scheme of things. But I'd bet my house, the vast majority of these psychopathic warmongers are all millionaires now at the very least.
Why does Zelenski care how much money goes to Ukraine or how the war goes? Does he not realize this is just a NATO or even a Jewish war on Russia and Slavs? And that if he plays along he'll be handsomely repaid. Does he actually believe in Ukraine's innocence and America's benevolence? I can understand the wider public believing he's doing it for Ukraine given the propaganda but it's hard to understand how he could believe that.
Haha... A most unlikely story!
If Zelenski takes a fall, can you imagine what exposure would suddenly occur on the involvement of the Bidens and other American and British notables?
Unless Zelenski does an Epstein, he will not disappear without a geopolitical explosion!.
Politico is the official. Scarrativo