Still believe that strategic decisions are made in Washington not Kiev and so the strategy which best serves the interest of the 2024 elections will be dominant (i.e. no major defeat prior to November).

On a more positive note, given Russia’s current advances, has the barbaric shelling in Donetsk city been reduced yet? It must be incredibly frustrating to have endured so many attacks over the last decade while Kiev has remained largely untouched beyond the occasional salvo.

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Sigh. Still waiting for Russia to GO ALL OUT and just take all of the Russian areas. Kharkov, free poor Gonzalo Lira. Yeah, Kiev has remained untouched. SMASH IT. Imo.

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" has the barbaric shelling in Donetsk city been reduced yet?" I always questioned Russia's allowing it to continue. However, I guess it served the perverse purpose of angering Russian citizens?

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Play chess with no rooks??? Only a Ukrainian would try! Sad that it's another Christmas with missiles and death. The Donbass deserves peace. Thanks, Mark!

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I can't get my head around the fact, that the speaker of the house in America asked what the reason was Ukraine needed another 62 Billion dollars. Which is a totally logical question, considering the amount of money Ukraine has already received from the west. He wanted to know what Ukraines plans were & what the Americans were planning in doing to help them. Totally legitimate question, both Ukraine & the Biden regime couldn't give an answer. All they knew was the staggering amount of 62 Billion dollars was what they wanted. This figure was the controversial figure the absolute lunatic Lindsay Graham plucked out of the air months ago. This massive figure within a week of the lunatic making it up. Became the official amount of money Biden started saying Ukraine needed. Meaning they know the massive figure they want but they don't know what they want it for. If this doesn't prove the fact this conflict is a massive money laundering scheme, I don't know what more evidence people need. I don't believe the western citizens have any idea the west has been pumping money into Ukraine since at least 2008. The amount of money that has gone missing into the black hole of Ukraine defies belief. The amount of Ukrainian millionaires is staggering, the amount of politicians from the west who don't get a great salary. That have had their paths crossed with Ukraine, that are now somehow millionaires is beyond a joke. When we take these facts into consideration, is it any wonder the western criminals ruling in our countries keep repeating the narrative Putin cannot be allowed to win. That's because they're so frightened of being exposed & for no other reason. We are ruled by lying corrupt treasonous criminals in the west.

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I thought that Zelensky his oligarch chums and Banderite backers wanted the money to buy Miami condos to amscray to with suitcases of more money when Ukraine goes down.

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oh no they're wising up! (too little too late)

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What's new in Belarus, noting our man is in China meeting Xi. Also, How's the situation for Russian efforts in Syria? Armenia?

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I don't think Zelensky is the key figure here.

I suspect that Zalusny is the one who must be maintained in his seat next to the throne. If he goes or is killed, then the flow of weapons and resources into the Nazi Redoubt of Galacia will be exposed if not ended? (I doubt that it is only the Abrams tanks being stockpiled in the West of Ukraine!) But, Zelenski has also been valuable. While never representing an emotive Leadership figure, he is sort of a Lightening rod/clown figure that Western populations identify with Ukraine. Zelensky is not seen as a Nazi and is therefore somewhat acceptable and neutral, allowing for the continued flow of weapons and money to Ukraine. Even if a large part is being siphoned off. There is another reason for the Americans to refuse an Audit or inventory?????

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