I refuse to believe that the control freaks in Washington don’t, at a minimum, have approval authority over every significant action taken by Ukraine (bombing the Kremlin, Belgorod, the dam, the POW camp, the Crimean bridge, the pipelines, etc.). In most cases, I would guess they actually initiate, plan and supervise the execution of this crap. If this offensive fails, look for European troops to enter Ukraine or a Tonkin-like event to trigger more direct US involvement with our new UFO alien designed wonder weapons.

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Yes and No. There is quite a bit of frustration with Zelensky and Yermak for not following advice. Bakhmut is a good example of that.

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They have the plan in place

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OMG! Ukraine just keeps shooting itself in the foot to hurt Russia. Blowing the ammonia pipeline is another ecological disaster affecting Ukraine first, and harming civilian settlements for no other reason than spitefulness and meanness!

Thanks Garland and huge thanks to Mark Sleboda always great analyses 👏👏

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The Ukranazi's make the Vandals look like the Salvation Army bell ringers.

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The Schroedinger General: can't tell if he's alive or dead until we look in his box to blame him.

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Glorious counteroffensive? Western agitprop organs have to put lipstick on a pig!

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