There will be no peace until Zircons pay a visit to London

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There is already direct NATO participation in this conflict. There would be no conflict without NATO.

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ACH. Eradicate NATO.

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Some hard truths there, thank you. More evidence of the objectivity of your analysis, if anyone needed that.

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Hard truths is right.

But minimal new gains and holding what they have taken does not mean the Ukies are truimphing.

It can also be read as Russia not panicking but doing what it always seems to do: proceed slowly and methodically, setting its own pace.

Meanwhile Russia continues to make gains on the real front.

And in fact they could even be milking the Kursk mini-invasion for it effect on the Russian people. Apparently their unity and patriotism took a big boost from this. So why rush to end this little side show?

In the end it will still be a lot of dead elite troops on the Ukraine side, wasted for nothing.

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What a difference a day makes!

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Russia's show of weakness is nothing new . The change now is that bloggers and citizens are reaching point that they no longer believe their well meaning silence helps Russia.

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Yeah, Russia dropped the ball. RUSSIA NEEDS TO DO BLITZKRIEG, SHOCK AND AWE. Brics partners can surely see that Ukraine/West are NUTS and Russia has to act and go all out. Take what was Russia before 1922. ANNIHILATE the nazis there, just wipe them out. DO IT. Stop being so damned soft.

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35 seconds before Sumo got a word in, well done!

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