Biden has two goals: to keep the lid on the Middle East and to keep Ukraine on life support both until November. He must do this in a way that doesn’t alienate his donors (“don’t worry, nothing’s gonna change”) while bamboozling his irate base with phony “clashes” with Israel as he ups the flow of weapons and cash and defunds UNRA. Decent people never dirty themselves by voting.

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And the farce continued when Cameron called it a ‘massive attack’. When combined with the issuance of ‘US assurances’ on the Assange extradition today, an example among tens of thousands that the only way to appropriately address any spokescreatures for countries in the collective West is ‘Mr/Ms. Lying Sack of Excrement.’

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lol can confirm that Omar's beauty is distracting

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Perhaps, DUE TO ALL the negative shit Jews did in western societies, destructive shit, and now this "we are chosen we can do what we want" perhaps it is time for them to GET GONE. And the evangies need to be ditched along with the greens as wacked out cults.

Lest those not around to see all of it are here, ALL of this grating against traditional stuff in the US, ALL of the anti white stuff is the result of Frankfurt School Jews fucking with the wasps, shoving them aside, and at least STEINLIGHT admits it. Now you got the big backfire Steinlight warned about - lily whites in the streets cursing Jews and praising Palestinians! HA, huge backfire.

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IRAN what Iran did was strategic, extremely so and at the same time, BOTH Iran and Isr can claim it as a win.


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Well I heard…Iskander missiles did get through, Iran mapped the Israeli defense network…an air base was hit blah, blah, blah…but what the eff do I know since there obviously is enough B.S. to choke a horse. I’m effing done with this crap. I stopped voting over a decade ago. Now I’m UNsubscribing from everything since nobody knows what the F is going on.

Dammit, I’ll spend the rest of my short life fasting and doing penance for the wars I already enabled.

May God have mercy on my soul.

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