Read the following and watch the outstanding Columbia Emeritus Prof Jeffrey Sachs outstanding interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano.. my comments follow…
****Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Biden's Foreign Failures… Judging Freedom with Judge Andrew Napolitano ****
At time mark Jeff Sachs Enunciates 20 min through 26 min period CIA secret Army activities then at 28:58 remaining, Sachs. outlines the Statistics of Coup, Assassinations undertaken as detailed in the excellent Book Covert Regime Change by Prof Lindsey/Lindsay O’Rourke, detailing the 64 covert, Coups, Assassinations and Regime changes of legitimately elected governments the U.S. or rather CIA considered antithetical to Corporate interests, agenda and or U.S Foreign Policy, all being initiated the CIA’s Military (Paramilitary)Wing. All of these 64 identified events occasioning between the period 1947 when the National Security Act that legitimised the forming under Truman of the CIA successor to the previous U.S intelligence gathering agency the OSS through - 1989 using that date as a cut off, because until 1989 it was possible to get FOIA details, try getting the same for events post 1989, good luck, obfuscation denials and outright lies the order of the day now, including especially the sense of entitlement and invincibility, of being above the law now so prevalent driving these turgid activities.
However we know since then many more occurrences have resulted, Yassar Arafat assassinated, Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi, Shinzo Abe assassinated, Imrahn Kahn Pakistan attempted assassination, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela assassinated under the guise a medical event whilst having surgery, Governments overthrown , the colour revolutions, flower revolutions, Ukraine, Georgia, not to mention the 4,700+ extra judicial killings and assassinations of citizens from nations across the world, most from Africa, Middle East, South America, it is sick, evil, needs to end and everyone of those murdering sons/daughters of bitches who participated and facilitated these murderous evil acts, called and held to account, no excuse, no slap on the wrist, thank you for your service utterances, they are cold blooded murderers, pure and simple, they have the stain and stench of the blood of innocents on their hands. I care not whatever ballywick used to justify their criminality, so did the NAZI’s utter similar excuses to justify their killings, Nuremberg putting paid to the use of such excuse. Prosecute them all, as for keeping the world a safer place, well, I’d prefer to take my chances of deciding who I mix with, where I travel, nobody compels anyone to place themselves or nations in danger, if they were so cocksure about the righteousness of their endeavour, no need for covert action, it would be sanctioned the UNSC, but they know what they’re doing is illicit, unlawful both domestically and internationally… every Corporation aided and abetted to pursue their ill gotten gains made to pay reparations to the families and the nations they plundered, killed and murdered their way to reaping their blood profit from. Until this happens nothing will change, National Security, such an odious excuse to justify lawlessness, corruption, greed avarice, end it all…
Excellent disclosures and fact based truth given and shared in this exchange the link above by Prof Sachs, Americans would do well to take all disclosed this most revealing exchange to learn about the criminal behaviour of their governments, of U.S governments that have wantonly undertaken secret overthrow, assassination and regime change of governments, political leaders, of democratically elected governments to enable their business interests to be achieved, foreign policy of what actually constituted a foreign policy to be enabled, resulting in chaos, death, injury, homelessness and destruction across the world, what you have now is the National Security Act hijacked by a group of U.S bad actors who have usurped the Act and its provisions to build wealth and enrich themselves and those around them orchestrating these events, their benefactors, billionaires involved, Corporations, all in pursuit of self enrichment, in short greed and avarice, the tentacles now so deep, they have corrupted every vestige of what Americans recognise or once recognised as their government apparatus, the various bodies and institutions that make up or made up U.S government, subverted now to serve only the interests of the few vs the many, it needs ended, just as JFK threatened to break it up ( CIA Paramilitary and Covert Ops) and smash it splintering it into a thousand pieces, scattering it to the winds, ending tyranny, we know where and how that ended, these people, the Poppy Bush types neck deep, are out of control, take it back, reclaim what is yours America, your nation, retrieve it from these tyrants, they who select your President, Representatives, now openly, toying with your democracy, your elections, good grief so obvious to the rest of the World, act on it, once they’ve taken it complete which they all but have, it’s game over…
Guess who has been arming and sponsoring jihadist terrorist groups like the Islamic State--even as it claims to be leading the entire world in a War against Terrorism for the past generation?
The United States of America.
Former Afghan President Karzai Calls Islamic State 'Tool' of US
Thanks, i like these daily audio uploads! 👍🏻
Read the following and watch the outstanding Columbia Emeritus Prof Jeffrey Sachs outstanding interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano.. my comments follow…
****Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Biden's Foreign Failures… Judging Freedom with Judge Andrew Napolitano ****
At time mark Jeff Sachs Enunciates 20 min through 26 min period CIA secret Army activities then at 28:58 remaining, Sachs. outlines the Statistics of Coup, Assassinations undertaken as detailed in the excellent Book Covert Regime Change by Prof Lindsey/Lindsay O’Rourke, detailing the 64 covert, Coups, Assassinations and Regime changes of legitimately elected governments the U.S. or rather CIA considered antithetical to Corporate interests, agenda and or U.S Foreign Policy, all being initiated the CIA’s Military (Paramilitary)Wing. All of these 64 identified events occasioning between the period 1947 when the National Security Act that legitimised the forming under Truman of the CIA successor to the previous U.S intelligence gathering agency the OSS through - 1989 using that date as a cut off, because until 1989 it was possible to get FOIA details, try getting the same for events post 1989, good luck, obfuscation denials and outright lies the order of the day now, including especially the sense of entitlement and invincibility, of being above the law now so prevalent driving these turgid activities.
However we know since then many more occurrences have resulted, Yassar Arafat assassinated, Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi, Shinzo Abe assassinated, Imrahn Kahn Pakistan attempted assassination, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela assassinated under the guise a medical event whilst having surgery, Governments overthrown , the colour revolutions, flower revolutions, Ukraine, Georgia, not to mention the 4,700+ extra judicial killings and assassinations of citizens from nations across the world, most from Africa, Middle East, South America, it is sick, evil, needs to end and everyone of those murdering sons/daughters of bitches who participated and facilitated these murderous evil acts, called and held to account, no excuse, no slap on the wrist, thank you for your service utterances, they are cold blooded murderers, pure and simple, they have the stain and stench of the blood of innocents on their hands. I care not whatever ballywick used to justify their criminality, so did the NAZI’s utter similar excuses to justify their killings, Nuremberg putting paid to the use of such excuse. Prosecute them all, as for keeping the world a safer place, well, I’d prefer to take my chances of deciding who I mix with, where I travel, nobody compels anyone to place themselves or nations in danger, if they were so cocksure about the righteousness of their endeavour, no need for covert action, it would be sanctioned the UNSC, but they know what they’re doing is illicit, unlawful both domestically and internationally… every Corporation aided and abetted to pursue their ill gotten gains made to pay reparations to the families and the nations they plundered, killed and murdered their way to reaping their blood profit from. Until this happens nothing will change, National Security, such an odious excuse to justify lawlessness, corruption, greed avarice, end it all…
Excellent disclosures and fact based truth given and shared in this exchange the link above by Prof Sachs, Americans would do well to take all disclosed this most revealing exchange to learn about the criminal behaviour of their governments, of U.S governments that have wantonly undertaken secret overthrow, assassination and regime change of governments, political leaders, of democratically elected governments to enable their business interests to be achieved, foreign policy of what actually constituted a foreign policy to be enabled, resulting in chaos, death, injury, homelessness and destruction across the world, what you have now is the National Security Act hijacked by a group of U.S bad actors who have usurped the Act and its provisions to build wealth and enrich themselves and those around them orchestrating these events, their benefactors, billionaires involved, Corporations, all in pursuit of self enrichment, in short greed and avarice, the tentacles now so deep, they have corrupted every vestige of what Americans recognise or once recognised as their government apparatus, the various bodies and institutions that make up or made up U.S government, subverted now to serve only the interests of the few vs the many, it needs ended, just as JFK threatened to break it up ( CIA Paramilitary and Covert Ops) and smash it splintering it into a thousand pieces, scattering it to the winds, ending tyranny, we know where and how that ended, these people, the Poppy Bush types neck deep, are out of control, take it back, reclaim what is yours America, your nation, retrieve it from these tyrants, they who select your President, Representatives, now openly, toying with your democracy, your elections, good grief so obvious to the rest of the World, act on it, once they’ve taken it complete which they all but have, it’s game over…
Great update Mark, especially the details regarding which nation supports which terror insurgent group.
Wait for the U.S indignation about evil Iran, forgetting their own extra judicial activities, I’m so over all the double speak.. well done Iran.
Multipolarity a new paradigm.. bring it on, overdue…
Guess who has been arming and sponsoring jihadist terrorist groups like the Islamic State--even as it claims to be leading the entire world in a War against Terrorism for the past generation?
The United States of America.
Former Afghan President Karzai Calls Islamic State 'Tool' of US
I've just read Russia & Iran have signed a strategic alliance, this is a massive move.
I'm just here to reinforce renouncing one's citizenship with the divided states of embarrassment