Just disgraceful (again). Palestinians have lost their lands, their livelihoods and are forced to spend their lives in squalid, dehumanizing refugee camps (not unlike indigenous Americans) at the hands of Western colonizers. And if they dare to resist, they are the “savages”.

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They are not forced. They could IMMIGRATE.

I know plenty of Native Americans like Seminoles where I live and they are rich. Nobody stops them or any other tribal people from leaving a reservation.

There are MANY Arab areas Palistinians could go and MANY Muslim countries. Jews have one tiny country. I don't like how they got that country, but that is just the damned past. MOVE ON. Other Arabs DO NOT like being held hostage to this issue that they'd rather just ignore or give lip service to.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Mark Sleboda

Why the fuck should they leave their homes just because an ashkeNAZI apologist cunt like you and the jews demand it?

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WOAH, I do not apologize for the Joos. I just do not see another way out of this decades long war. One side or the other has to give or go. This shit is destroying everything.

If I say what I FEEL should happen I'll be banned off anywhere I go. So right there, a clue that it's not pro J. But what I feel should happen ain't gonna happen because I feel it should.

If YOU want to know what THEY do: Culture of Critique, Stalin's Willing Executioners, two books (free these days as pdf) would be a good start. But take a look what happened to the professor who wrote those. And so it is what it is.

My point is that Palis HAVE that option, they'd fit in, be welcome, same language, same religion, etc.

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So much for the "Iron Dome". More like chrome dome

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Oddly, Iron Dome was shut off! Go figure.

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the Gaza Ghetto Uprising

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See my post above. THEY SHOULD LEAVE FOR GREENER PASTURES instead of festering there.

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I agree. The colonizers of the Jewish religion from the EU, US, and former Soviet Union should LEAVE FOR GREENER PASTURES instead of festering there and just go back to the countries they are from, rather than trying to destroy and occupy Palestine.

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It would have been ideal if the Jews all had settled in Birobidzhan, but they didn't. Mark I know plenty of Arabs, including one of my MDs, and well, they are sick of it. I have known Palestinians, one engineering student, whose family just washed their hands, just like SO MANY Italians and others that came to the US or elsewhere. Palestinians have been existing there, I'd not call it living, for decades.

You know that what you are saying ain't gonna happen.

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Why don't you fuck off with your hasbara derived warped opinions. You are an utterly despicable shitcunt.

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Woah. What is hasbara?

I just put up an idea that would make peace once and for all. So many people in shitty situations have emigrated, just washed their hands and left. My people did it and had to learn a new language to do it, too. Same with my husband's people.

The whole of Israel should never have been in that spot to begin with. But it IS there. That whole 2 state whatever ain't gonna happen, did not happen, and YOU KNOW this. So then, should mustache man have succeeded in what he wanted to do? Well, he didn't.

Why didn't ALL of those western Jews just demand half of Germany? Well, they didn't.

RIGHT NOW this mess is probably going to wreck the whole BRICS planning. So don't vent on me or abuse me. I am not Jewish OR Muslim OR Christian. I am Tatar and Buddhist culture.

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Hezbollah has won two wars against Israel. But Mark seems to think Israel can take care of Hezbollah. Why? And what if Hezbollah attacks in Syria (Golan Heights) or occupied territories in South Lebanon?

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If this shit show explodes, it will destroy all the hopes for BRICS and new roadways for good relations. DAMMIT.

It is AMERICANS that have to be kicked out of that entire area.

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Mark, these are real powerful words you shared here. Much of what you stated here has come to pass. There's been a lot of back latch on Israel because the hundreds and hundreds of Palestinians killed. As you said Israel has gone in and has been tearing down Hamas tunnels. They were blamed for the bombing of the hospital. In the past day they took down one of the hospitals been used by Hamas as a headquarters location. Sadly IDF put up the Israeli flag which has angered many.

With all this said is Israel just taking revenge on Hamas and don't care how many Palestinians die in the process?

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Israel is ethnic cleansing Palestine. They plan to drive them all out of their "Greater Israel", aka "the Promised Land" "that God gave them".

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Kirby may not be factually correct apropos Iran (Hezbollah) but he is the megaphone for BIDEN Admin, he is invested in BIDEN Administration, and very acutely aware of the collateral damage ongoing wrt the US/Ukr defeat in The Ukraine...

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Mamhood Abbas is Vichy within Gaza

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Biden needs an offramp in Ukraine fiasco, pivot to israhell, israeli lobby and lolly... seems obvs, but when you consider how desperate DNC is about Biden/ProxyBiden reelection... its not beyond belief, imo.

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THANK THE GODS that the US outright says that Iran was not involved or anyone else. PHEW. Zelensky has been spewing his insane fantasies, blaming Russia. I want to see the peaceful BRICS and other deals succeed.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Hamas had access to electronic warfare technology. They jammed the security system. But Egypt needs to move in and annex the place for humanitairian reasons. They have conventional military ability to do it. If US declares war they will be booted from the region.

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JUST WHEN Iran and Arabia are making friends and good with BRICS, and just when Arabia and Israel were making friends - this Palestinian SHIT has to happen?

Look, objectively Jews only have one country, it is tiny. Yeah, they got it along with British help when colonialism was still going on. OK. It is what it is.

Arabs have HUGE AREAS, and many countries are Muslim. Palestinians could and should have long ago done what so many other immigrants have done: just pick up and leave. They aren't living. They are existing. Pick up and freaking leave.

A lot of Arabs feel the same about it, no matter what they say, as if they are sick of being held hostage by that one group of Arabs that just refuses to do what so many people have done: LEAVE.

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I have another idea. How about the genocidal colonizers of the Jewish faith from Europe, the US and the former Soviet Union who have driven Palestinians off the land and committed ethnic cleansing and genocide for the last 70 years just fuck off and LEAVE and go back to the countries they are from. European guilt over the Holocaust does not justify a Holocaust of the Palestinian people. LEAVE.

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THE ISRAELIS LET THIS HAPPEN ON PURPOSE - *YES* IN ORDER TO START A WAR WITH LEBANON AND SYRIA (THEY ALREADY DID IT, PRE EMPTIVE FIRING ON THEM!!). TO GET THEIR STUPID "GOD GAVE IT" LAND AND TEMPLE AND F*UCK UP THE BRICS by dragging in Syria. AND YOU BET THE NEOCONS PLANNED THIS SHIT. I freaking said this shit was fishy. Now it is not fishy. I know I'm right, know it. KNOW IT. The radicals in Israel want the WHOLE of what Israel was in the past, destroy the Mosque and build their temple. THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE UP TO. And so what if their own people got slaughtered.

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I think if I said that I'd get banned anywhere I said it. I said similar on YT and got a 1 day suspension. SO.

You KNOW the Jews ain't gonna leave. You and others trashing me and yelling it, ain't gonna make them leave. They aren't just a faith, either. I guess I can say stuff on here.

Does anyone ever see why people felt that way against Jews? I DO. Many people do, esp people in E. Europe but they have to be careful, disguise what they are saying.

They did the same in the US and now, as neocons, they have taken over. WHAT CAN BE DONE?

Europeans ARE too guilty to say WHY so many went in with mustache to DO the holocaust.

WHAT IS A REAL FIX FOR THIS? Right now it's just NOT working. This MIGHT upset all the peaceful BRICS plans, even Arab/Israeli peace thing they had planned. We have to see what the other Arab nations DO. They went for the Abraham Accords and DID SEE the Palistinian issue was holding everyone hostage. Don't get on MY case for telling what happened, or what IS.

WE ALL KNOW what the Jews did there. It all ends up being a shit shot where NOTHING changes. Now you can hear Jews and even Nikki Haley (hate her) advocating genocide?

Screaming about it amounts to nothing. And cursing at ME over it is well, kinda funny if you knew what I, as a TATAR would actually DO, if I had the power. The world is lucky that I am not Putin. I said that 100 times.

But I'm not. SO GET REAL about it.

You know, THEY think they are the "light of the world" but everywhere they go, they are like CANCER. In the past the body/country cut them out. Mustache should have had the foresight to see what would happen IF HE LOST.

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A historian once noted that Franklin D. Roosevelt knew the US was going to get hit, but he didn't think the US was going to be hurt. Pearl Harbor was supposed to be at its highest alert level.

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Yes, and it is the one STUPID SHIT THING FDR did all cuz the damned ANGLO SAXONS (Britain) wanted to drag the US into the war. He encircled Japan and oh yeah, knew it was coming. Excuse to declare war. HUGE MISTAKE. Same shit in ww1 with Brit dragging the US in. AMERICANS WANTED NO PART OF IT.

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