sorry...not to insult anyone but Israel are trash and no one wants nukes.....ukraine is trash and the azov battalina run by the cia ...should be taken out and should take out zelensky the coke dope trash actor and faggot....f him and the kiev regime....fuck the usa govt and all west govts except for the human supporters...fuck war mongers....go Rachel Blevins and Mark...and fuck youtube

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Hey tips…. You know what ‘but’ means….. ‘forget what I just said, now I will tell you how I really feel’… eh Putin?

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Bye, YouTube, bye, you won't be missed. The amusing thing about all this is that I was listening to you and Rachel here in Russia without a VPN because, for reasons both irrational and equally mysterious, access to YouTube works well here (though cellular network, that is with cell phones and tablets). Then YouTube banned and deleted channels of Russia Today and everybody else who is neutral or mildly critical of Israel, the US, and the neocons. YouTube also censors comments on a wholesale basis. I guess people use it because of inertia. Substack also works here without a VPN. But Rumble doesn't and one has to use a VPN to watch it (or rather I listen to it when walking, VPN is not a major inconvenience). I wonder why YouTube gets a free ride. Rumble is blocked in Russia even though Rumble hasn't removed RT, Sputnik, or anyone else, and, as far as I know, it doesn't censor comments. It seems that Google and YouTube are directly run by the CIA/neocon-administered Department of State/the Deep State's propaganda and disinformation departments. Google also limits, manipulates, and censors search results (I noticed it a long time ago, as when you are looking for sawn pine boards but get Navalny's spouse instead. I stopped using it. Google is now garbage), it is now worse than any alternative I can think of. I very much appreciate what you are doing, Mark, as well as everyone else. It seems they haven't hit the German-speaking channels as hard yet, at least the ones I've been listening to, like Roger Köppel's Weltwoche. Because Russian channels were exterminated and English-language ones carpetbombed. But I think it's just a matter of time before the transatlantic kosher Fourth Reich starts uprooting German-language channels. It is on a quest for total control. It can smell its own doom ahead and is tightening up the screws lest the captive populations somehow get the wrong idea of liberating themselves from its yoke.

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Thank you, you are wonderful

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The best introduction yet, keep it up.

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Can you not call self defense an attack, please and thank you. Call it Hamas defends Gazans' from terrorist attacks. See what I did there? The colonial rot runs deep. Decolonize your language too. Of course the oppressor is going to feel attacked but you're just defending yourself. I really need to create a guillotine emoji😈 They won't stop oppressing us until we start defending ourselves. Oh, the best defense is a good offense so take care of each other and be safe 💕 And sharpen those guillotine blades😁

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where ever you go...I will follow....center314@protonmail.com send me emails to whatever.....Rachel

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f16's from the netherlands who probably had a hand in the northsteam pipeline debacle...are trash...Russia will take out the f16's......and laugh about it

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Russian Jews are to blame

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So the USA has actually achieved “the computer says no” ( character says in Little Britain now banned BBC 90s comedy) All you can do now is listen to or watch our controlled music movies and computer games Dystopian future is here now. You all now are mushrooms kept in the dark and fed on msm BS!

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youtube and google are trash and treasonous

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We are living through US FACISM in action

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Trumps going to the funny farm or prison. Whatever comes first

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Great question about the ACLU. Where are they? As long as I got an unfettered internet connection, where ever you are broadcasting, I will find you.

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