In a "Democratic" country, these men would have been suspended and awaiting Courts Martial by now. But then, when the "Leaders" don't Lead, and are not respected, chaos is close.

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Yep. And these guys have about as much to fear as AWOL Austin or Cookies Nuland or, or, ... well take your pick.

No one is accountable any longer. Because that would be white and racist. Just like math and literacy.

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I suspect that American 'Exceptionalism' evaporated in Gaza?

If people are not "Exceptional", then they are 'Accountable for their actions'.

The World will present demands for "Compensation" to the US. Those cannot be satisfied and won't be. But, they will lead to an American Tantrum....To bad Canada!

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Heck my company uses that.

And just last week IT announced they are phasing it out ....

So much for the NATO "elite".

Elite I tell you!!!

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the modern nazis, it's honestly time for Germany and Israel to be dissolved as they clearly can't get along with their neighbors

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It's an act of war, we need to stop & think about this for a few mins. Russia is well within its rights to attack the US, UK France & now Germany. It's insanity what our western leaders are doing.

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I wonder if this was another instance of Nuland using under-secured communications.

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