why would the guy winning want a cease fire, especially if the losing side and its supporters keep saying that they want to Ukraine to recuperate and get back into the fight to destroy Russia? Do these western leaders and think tank luminaires really think that someone would be that stupid?
"They'd be the world's greatest army if they weren't, don't you think?"
Yeah. Literally everyone agrees with that. It was a near-pear competitor with Russia before this happened, it consists of the entire nato arsenal and would have rolled through Western Europe if they had turned around before the latest offensive- both Scott Ritter and Mark have made this exact point before. Another point they've both made is that offensives in modern warfare is hard, even when you have the overwhelming advantage. To steal an example from Ritter the greatest number of causalities for the western allies during ww2 were in the last months of fighting against the germans: the strength that comes from being on death ground.
Idk why how the hell you think women recruitment is a deception though lmao they're literally advertising it and there are no advantages in pretending to do that
The basement dweller first misrepresents what people say, which is damning whether intentional or an artifact of mental illness. It isn't a great leap to this sort of mind that evidential facts like government announcements on recruiting women that are inconvenient to their narrative are either ignored or explained away as false. It is beyond redemption.
Strawman, if you have to miss-represent what people say, try to get closer to the truth, then you don't look like a sloppy bore who has nothing to do in the basement but type and jack=off.
why would the guy winning want a cease fire, especially if the losing side and its supporters keep saying that they want to Ukraine to recuperate and get back into the fight to destroy Russia? Do these western leaders and think tank luminaires really think that someone would be that stupid?
Great update.
'It's hopless'.
"They'd be the world's greatest army if they weren't, don't you think?"
Yeah. Literally everyone agrees with that. It was a near-pear competitor with Russia before this happened, it consists of the entire nato arsenal and would have rolled through Western Europe if they had turned around before the latest offensive- both Scott Ritter and Mark have made this exact point before. Another point they've both made is that offensives in modern warfare is hard, even when you have the overwhelming advantage. To steal an example from Ritter the greatest number of causalities for the western allies during ww2 were in the last months of fighting against the germans: the strength that comes from being on death ground.
Idk why how the hell you think women recruitment is a deception though lmao they're literally advertising it and there are no advantages in pretending to do that
The basement dweller first misrepresents what people say, which is damning whether intentional or an artifact of mental illness. It isn't a great leap to this sort of mind that evidential facts like government announcements on recruiting women that are inconvenient to their narrative are either ignored or explained away as false. It is beyond redemption.
...I don't know how else to tell you this so I'll say straight forwardly that you don't recruit any group of people as a psychological operation
Strawman, if you have to miss-represent what people say, try to get closer to the truth, then you don't look like a sloppy bore who has nothing to do in the basement but type and jack=off.