Political Moonshine thinks the wars in Ukraine and (potentially) China are actually designed by the Globalists to bring about the downfall of the American nation and transfer dominion to China. It's clear American power is being weakened by woke ideology and unchecked immigration. Perhaps even the US military hawks who are trying to maintain US unipolarity are being played.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

You are standing reality on its head.

So-called "globalism" (aka, American global domination) is ending. The world is in the process of bifurcating into New Cold War-style blocs with the diminution, if not the effective end, of economic trade, communication, or even cultural contact between these blocs.

America's proxy wars against Russia (through Ukraine) or China (like through Taiwan) are a desperate attempt to maintain America's global dominion by weakening, regime changing, or dismembering any country--especially Russia and China--that resists it.

And America is not a "nation" in any normal sense of the world.

America is a global empire with ambitions to Americanize the entire globe, behind the veneer of freedom and liberty.

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Great analysis, both of you.

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