The USA is the world's foremost terrorist state and has a Nazi mindset. The USA leads the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate because it's ruled by Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis, Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis. Zio-Nazis are Zionist Neocons. They're destroying our nation and opened it to invasion from the South. The invaders come from all over the world.
Pax Americana is going the way of its mother Pax Britannia getting overwhelmed by the emerging Multipolar World. If the USA continues on this suicidal march to doom, my nation will meet the fate of the German Nazis.
Nations are destroyed by traitors within. I pointed them out in my first paragraph. Patriots know the proper fate of traitors.
The USA is filled with people who consider themselves patriots but they are misguided by propaganda. They're afflicted with the manufactured mental disorders Russophobia and Sinophobia.
They must break the chains enslaving them and open their eyes to two truths. If they would only ask themselves what Russia and China have ever done to us? What have we done to them for hundreds of years?
Great post! On the mark! Me? I'm kinda past getting angry these days. Sometimes, if I talk about the past, I get sad. Most people can't point out Ukr or Rus on a map, or know much about the war. They are too busy making ends meet and taking care of their own lives.
Your last sentence is good. Since I'm comfortably retired and have time I use my time to learn. A wise man told me while I was going to college that I'm going to school to learn how to learn.
I've been spending much time learning about the 1000 year history of Russia and the 3000 year history of China. It's been very rewarding and I've only scratched the surface.
Well, I already knew Chinese history since Tatars and related people (Mongols, Manchus) pretty much ruled HALF the dynasties there, blended in. That is how China got so big, btw. China never conquered. They were conquered and the conquerors blended into China, along with the lands they brought in. Chinese history is easier to find out about, LOTS of records. OH... Shaw Brothers used to make these historical Kung Fu movies, great stuff, great fighters, but they were historical, plots right out of real history.
We are in our 70s so , but my husband works PT job cuz social security is not enough. So we are saving, that's for sure. Oh, since IAN home owners insurance is thru the damned roof. I have SLIDE. My old ins UPC left FL and well, the new
I feel you about the insurance and you're right about China. I learned a lot from watching Russian and Chinese movies and they are excellent. The USA has a short history in comparison and Hollywood makes historical fiction instead of accurate historical movies. Some of the old ones were good. The only good recent ones were Band of Brothers and Pacific. Saving Private Ryan was essentially a shitty action flick in comparison.
I know for a fact that Uyghurs made it to Turkey via various routes in order to learn to fight by joining ISIS, fighting Syria, paid for by the USA, as I found out as the convo kept going and so, after a few OMG OMG OMGs, I kinda bowed out due to a "very sick uncle" and stayed offline for a while,
Anyone reading my posts knows I tend to get chatty and social. Heh. BIG OOOOPS. It's after the heavy convo about Turanians that I got friendly and well, OOOOOPS.
LOL. 3 of them, I thought just Uyghurs living in Turkey, found some articles I wrote about TURANIANS and well, I know a LOT about it, so we struck up a convo. They copied the articles and I guess were sharing them. OH BOY. One of them has Chinese dynasties on there. One is about the USSR being Turania, one is specifically LONG detailed about Uyghurs which they were very thankful for, since they didn't know their own history as well. One is about how Jews are NOT KHAZARS. OH, Turko Tatar. Mongol, this includes tribes such as Uyghur, are all TURANIAN.
You met Larry Johnson. His website is Sonar 21. His good friend I also support is Andrei Martyanov. You should check him out. The name of his site is Reminisce of the Future.
"They are too busy making ends meet and taking care of their own lives."
A lot of that "taking care" is watching sportsball/porn/shopping for more crap they don't need, etc. and let's not forget recreational drugs and alcohol.
Time for a cleansing. We have had it too good for too long.
The majority in the West is so off-center in terms of what life is about that it isn't even funny. Like good old Ron Paul says, the USA is not only financially bankrupt but worse, morally bankrupt.
And part of that is living life like a zombie. Or as Paul Craig Roberts is fond of saying, "insouciantly". Meaning that when you let the worst people in the world run your govt, and you as a citizen take a permanent vacation, you deserve what you get. Poor America. And the West.
I say what I mean and mean what I say. The people I know are too busy MAKING ENDS MEET and taking care of their own lives, literally. People collecting social security and also working. NOT buying shit we don't need.
My central ac was 36 years old. I finally had to get another one and I got one scaled down cuz I don't use it much but they had to do it to code, the SEER and the type of frion. In summer I keep it at 83 F. I am in SW FL so, I don't like it too cold. I have a 1991 Dodge Spirit so. It ain't broke, it works fine.
I don't know people that drink too much or use drugs. Never associated with druggies, not even pot. We aren't into sports. Next door watches on Sunday but they work HARD all week.
BUT, I know what you mean. I just don't tend to associate with people like that. NOTHING in common.
The problem is that it doesn't matter who gets in, they don't run the country anymore. DeSantis did GOOD for Florida. If not for him, I would be dead.
There are hate groups of many types based on tribes. I use the term "tribes" instead of "races" because we're only one race, the Human Race. Tribes consider themselves supreme and the other tribes subhuman.
Some members of these tribes become fanatics and those are the violent ones, the terrorists. The Neonazi you described in your video is a perfect example. Timothy Mc Veigh and Anders Brevik are perfect examples too.
The FBI isn't only concerned about White Supremacy. There are Black Supremacists and Supremacists of all colors and faiths.
I ran into few neo Nazis years ago, NSWPP types, 70s, and well, they GOT that way for a reason. They believe Hitler was the last hope for European people. I understand their pov. Same pov as Jihadis, tho Jihadis sure do a lot more damage when they get miffed.
I have a different view of people from the South, since I am from immigrants. They need to make an Ellis Island at the South border and as Trump wanted to do, let the right ones come here. When people have a piece of peace and are comfortable, they tend to all get along.
The USA is the world's foremost terrorist state and has a Nazi mindset. The USA leads the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate because it's ruled by Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis, Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis. Zio-Nazis are Zionist Neocons. They're destroying our nation and opened it to invasion from the South. The invaders come from all over the world.
Pax Americana is going the way of its mother Pax Britannia getting overwhelmed by the emerging Multipolar World. If the USA continues on this suicidal march to doom, my nation will meet the fate of the German Nazis.
Nations are destroyed by traitors within. I pointed them out in my first paragraph. Patriots know the proper fate of traitors.
The USA is filled with people who consider themselves patriots but they are misguided by propaganda. They're afflicted with the manufactured mental disorders Russophobia and Sinophobia.
They must break the chains enslaving them and open their eyes to two truths. If they would only ask themselves what Russia and China have ever done to us? What have we done to them for hundreds of years?
If I wasn't so angry I would weep for my nation.
Great post! On the mark! Me? I'm kinda past getting angry these days. Sometimes, if I talk about the past, I get sad. Most people can't point out Ukr or Rus on a map, or know much about the war. They are too busy making ends meet and taking care of their own lives.
Your last sentence is good. Since I'm comfortably retired and have time I use my time to learn. A wise man told me while I was going to college that I'm going to school to learn how to learn.
I've been spending much time learning about the 1000 year history of Russia and the 3000 year history of China. It's been very rewarding and I've only scratched the surface.
Well, I already knew Chinese history since Tatars and related people (Mongols, Manchus) pretty much ruled HALF the dynasties there, blended in. That is how China got so big, btw. China never conquered. They were conquered and the conquerors blended into China, along with the lands they brought in. Chinese history is easier to find out about, LOTS of records. OH... Shaw Brothers used to make these historical Kung Fu movies, great stuff, great fighters, but they were historical, plots right out of real history.
We are in our 70s so , but my husband works PT job cuz social security is not enough. So we are saving, that's for sure. Oh, since IAN home owners insurance is thru the damned roof. I have SLIDE. My old ins UPC left FL and well, the new
premium had me on the damned floor.
I feel you about the insurance and you're right about China. I learned a lot from watching Russian and Chinese movies and they are excellent. The USA has a short history in comparison and Hollywood makes historical fiction instead of accurate historical movies. Some of the old ones were good. The only good recent ones were Band of Brothers and Pacific. Saving Private Ryan was essentially a shitty action flick in comparison.
I know for a fact that Uyghurs made it to Turkey via various routes in order to learn to fight by joining ISIS, fighting Syria, paid for by the USA, as I found out as the convo kept going and so, after a few OMG OMG OMGs, I kinda bowed out due to a "very sick uncle" and stayed offline for a while,
Anyone reading my posts knows I tend to get chatty and social. Heh. BIG OOOOPS. It's after the heavy convo about Turanians that I got friendly and well, OOOOOPS.
LOL. 3 of them, I thought just Uyghurs living in Turkey, found some articles I wrote about TURANIANS and well, I know a LOT about it, so we struck up a convo. They copied the articles and I guess were sharing them. OH BOY. One of them has Chinese dynasties on there. One is about the USSR being Turania, one is specifically LONG detailed about Uyghurs which they were very thankful for, since they didn't know their own history as well. One is about how Jews are NOT KHAZARS. OH, Turko Tatar. Mongol, this includes tribes such as Uyghur, are all TURANIAN.
They are all way too long to post here. All pdf.
You met Larry Johnson. His website is Sonar 21. His good friend I also support is Andrei Martyanov. You should check him out. The name of his site is Reminisce of the Future.
You know some things and I'm happy to know you.
"They are too busy making ends meet and taking care of their own lives."
A lot of that "taking care" is watching sportsball/porn/shopping for more crap they don't need, etc. and let's not forget recreational drugs and alcohol.
Time for a cleansing. We have had it too good for too long.
The majority in the West is so off-center in terms of what life is about that it isn't even funny. Like good old Ron Paul says, the USA is not only financially bankrupt but worse, morally bankrupt.
And part of that is living life like a zombie. Or as Paul Craig Roberts is fond of saying, "insouciantly". Meaning that when you let the worst people in the world run your govt, and you as a citizen take a permanent vacation, you deserve what you get. Poor America. And the West.
I say what I mean and mean what I say. The people I know are too busy MAKING ENDS MEET and taking care of their own lives, literally. People collecting social security and also working. NOT buying shit we don't need.
My central ac was 36 years old. I finally had to get another one and I got one scaled down cuz I don't use it much but they had to do it to code, the SEER and the type of frion. In summer I keep it at 83 F. I am in SW FL so, I don't like it too cold. I have a 1991 Dodge Spirit so. It ain't broke, it works fine.
I don't know people that drink too much or use drugs. Never associated with druggies, not even pot. We aren't into sports. Next door watches on Sunday but they work HARD all week.
BUT, I know what you mean. I just don't tend to associate with people like that. NOTHING in common.
The problem is that it doesn't matter who gets in, they don't run the country anymore. DeSantis did GOOD for Florida. If not for him, I would be dead.
There are hate groups of many types based on tribes. I use the term "tribes" instead of "races" because we're only one race, the Human Race. Tribes consider themselves supreme and the other tribes subhuman.
Some members of these tribes become fanatics and those are the violent ones, the terrorists. The Neonazi you described in your video is a perfect example. Timothy Mc Veigh and Anders Brevik are perfect examples too.
The FBI isn't only concerned about White Supremacy. There are Black Supremacists and Supremacists of all colors and faiths.
I ran into few neo Nazis years ago, NSWPP types, 70s, and well, they GOT that way for a reason. They believe Hitler was the last hope for European people. I understand their pov. Same pov as Jihadis, tho Jihadis sure do a lot more damage when they get miffed.
I have a different view of people from the South, since I am from immigrants. They need to make an Ellis Island at the South border and as Trump wanted to do, let the right ones come here. When people have a piece of peace and are comfortable, they tend to all get along.
Good points
Never jail a Strategic NeoNazi
I want to hear from Mark Sleboda. The old RT folks not so much.
White Rose…🙏
WHY did Craig Lang kill Danny and Dina Lorenzo? Sounds like a robbery and ambush, but why? Why did he want to kill his wife?