Dear Mark, I start to write. I wish you the very best. The world needs to hear you. The public is very damaged, bombed out by lies. You package correct information that helps those being bombed. Because of your effort many humans can save themselves. Thank you. Please do not agree to being a target and like Putin protect yourself appropriately. Always. Best from Edward
Dear Mark, I start to write. I wish you the very best. The world needs to hear you. The public is very damaged, bombed out by lies. You package correct information that helps those being bombed. Because of your effort many humans can save themselves. Thank you. Please do not agree to being a target and like Putin protect yourself appropriately. Always. Best from Edward
I HATE the smo and slow Russian dithering and not just bombing Zelensky and ALL of them and get this shit over with. Just wipe them out.
Awesome to see you on RT, Mark. You're doing good! :)
Mark is always refreshing to hear and learn from!
And in America, I'll be staying home AGAIN on "election" day. I don't want to go to Hell for complicity in crimes against humanity.
Perhaps vote 3rd party for prez?
Try not to pay taxes or contribute to the economy.
do your best to sabotage the yankee effort to wage war on the rest of the world
I pray EVERY DAY for the end of American global hegemony and JUSTICE for her victims. It seems to be working.
The good Suchet brother. Useful summary. Thanks.
The future of Russia lies with whoever can help increase electrification of the whole country & expand direct democracy imo from 1000 miles+ removed