Probably Erdogan either got bribed directly or IMF is bailing out Turkey, ie: his son-in-law.

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According to Seymour Hersh, Erdogan was promised billions from the IMF for rebuilding regions devastated by the earthquake.

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Fabulous remarks as always by Mark Sleboda. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘

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So much for all the BS about Ukraine having to β€œshow progress” in its β€œcounteroffensive” in order to keep Western support.

More seriously, will Erdogan now open the Black Sea to Western navies? If so, it would seem to ratchet up the stakes (and dangers) enormously. Gulf of Tonkin 2.0?

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I would LOVE to hear Putin give a shout out: "YOU, NATO, are we at war? It seems to me that we are at war. SAY IT, or are you all too coward to say it? You are SO afraid that we want to expand when it is obvious we do not want to do that. YOU EXPANDED, YOU BASTARDS. YOU slapped away hands reached out in friendship. You PIGS. But GO AHEAD, say we are at war and we will end up in your back yards with YOU destroyed. Maybe rip Germany in half again. GO AHEAD. SAY IT." Lavrov said "Bring it. We'd go toe to toe" Medvedev said some good ones "I HATE them, they are SCUM". BUT CALL THEM OUT. I would love to see it since that BITCH Baerbach said "we are at war with Russia" and then made that pursy mouth. Then walked it back, yeah, sure, chickenshit BItch.

OMG they are SO lucky that I am not Putin. That bitch beggar Zelensky intimidates them all, except Orban? HA, what a laugh. These timid fucks don't know how to rip someone like him an asshole.

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AND MORE. Why didn't they just bomb the whole Vilnius meeting place with all of them in it? I really was hoping to see that.

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This is politics as usual, it does nothing to bring about a change needed in geopolitics but rather further polorises the world.

And why does the White House oppose accountability for Ukrainian Aid; the bulk of the money is simply going back to US corporate and government agencies!

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