Aug 28, 2023Liked by Mark Sleboda

Have admired Mark’s work since his days on “Cross Talk”. Of all the writers I’ve read since the war began, none match Mark’s grasp and clarity (and humor). The Ukraine war, perhaps the first real challenge to Western hegemony in half a millennium, is vital if humanity is to escape endless vassalage to the Davos class. Mark’s analysis greatly helps us understand what’s going on and what it likely means.

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I could never stand that show. The host was insufferable. Always interrupting the guests.

You are right about this war--it is truly WWIII, or as The Saker put it, Zone A vs Zone B. Where Zone A is the Davos mob. Yet I still get the feeling that the average Westerner still, amazingly, see Ukraine as a war between that country and Russia. With maybe Poland and Germany and the UK sticking their noses in. But not much more than that. They have no clue of what hangs in the balance. I don't even want to think about the world we will have if the Globalists manage to defeat Russia.

What gives me hope is that Russia and China seem to have excellent leadership and many talented people. Bench strength, like they say in sports. Whereas the West has the likes of ... Biden, Obama, Trudeau, Truss, BoJo, Macron, Merkle, Stoltenberg, Blinken, Nuland, Bolton, the Spirit of John McCain, ... Oh dear God the list just goes on.

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I don't think Zelensky nor Prigozhin have been operating in any real military capacity. Who are the real leaders running this show?

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