If America were a person, it would be condemned as a clinical sociopath a long time ago.

The megalomaniacal arrogance and inbred entitlement that America displays is truly sociopathic.

The USA has declared that it's going to stop Russia's development of its own Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) resources. As Mark stated, flip the script and imagine if Russia had declared that it was going to stymie America's development of US LNG. Americans would be shrieking and claiming that this is an act of war. But when America does this? They act as if this is their divine right to do so.

What's more, America demands that China stop trading with Russia because of the Ukraine War or cut back on its production of electric vehicles/technology because the USA can't compete and cries about how "unfair" it is. Again, imagine if China made similar demands of the USA and threatened sanctions on it for, say, America's arming, bankrolling, and participation in Israel's Gaza genocide. The Americans would be throwing a fit.

Even the US Congress (or "Doctor" Wilmer Leon) soiling themselves about importing components from China for the US war machine completely avoids another issue: these components will go into American weapons that could be deployed against China itself! Hell, it's China that should be concerned about exporting to the USA.

The United Sociopaths of America is just like its close ally of Zionist Israel. They both act as if they have a God given right to act with impunity and impose their dictates on the world.

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"Arctic LNG...Dead in the water"...My goodness? Do I hear echos of Nord Stream????

Good old Geoffrey Pyatt; the other face of Victoria Nuland......

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Or the other cheek on the same ....

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someone just needs to punch uncle sam square in the mouth already

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Imagine the reaction at NATO HQ and the Pentagon and throughout the MIC when they heard of Yeltsin and later Putin suggesting Russia join NATO.

Probably (after they finally got up off the floor and put on dry undies) something like "Doh! Then we'd have no reason for existing. Stooopid Rooskis!"

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The end of hegemony...thank you, Lord...prayers answered!

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