He got a unanimous standing ovation twice. The Canadian Parliament pissed on the graves of all the Canadian Soldiers who died in WW2.
Beneath those scum on a lower floor is a book of remembrance of the Canadian Soldiers who died in WW2 and a page is turned each day. The Parliament led by that funny dressed speaker and smirking Prime Minis…
He got a unanimous standing ovation twice. The Canadian Parliament pissed on the graves of all the Canadian Soldiers who died in WW2.
Beneath those scum on a lower floor is a book of remembrance of the Canadian Soldiers who died in WW2 and a page is turned each day. The Parliament led by that funny dressed speaker and smirking Prime Minister desecrated it! Those Soldiers are spinning in their graves.
He got a unanimous standing ovation twice. The Canadian Parliament pissed on the graves of all the Canadian Soldiers who died in WW2.
Beneath those scum on a lower floor is a book of remembrance of the Canadian Soldiers who died in WW2 and a page is turned each day. The Parliament led by that funny dressed speaker and smirking Prime Minister desecrated it! Those Soldiers are spinning in their graves.