Kiev’s Genocidal Head of Military Intelligence Kyrilo Budanov’s latest interview in the Western media
Exclusive Interview With Ukraine's Sp31 whole older US Abrams arrive in Ukraine, but are so special and fragile they will be reserved for “specific well-crafted operations” so the Russian’s don’t just quickly destroy them
First US-made Abrams tanks arrive in Ukraine – Zelensky — RT Russia & Former Soviet UnionLavrov’s speech the UNGA touches on the emergence of multipolar world despite US-led West trying to hang on to unipolarity, the West’s suicidal escalation and the end of the logic of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)
Lavrov's Full Speech at 78th Session of UN General Assembly (’s “Peace Plan” is not a peace plan, but just an absurd demand Russia surrendur, accept regime change in Moscow and go away.
Salami Slicing Tactics in US foreign policy and escalation
Kiev regime’s offensive leaves NATO gear behind and turns to total meat assault/mosquito infantry tactics
General state of the battlefield in Ukraine
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