Nothing changes in a world governed by criminals and made for criminals. Elections today are for idiots that believe they are not rigged, manipulated (Cambridge Analitica story) or simply shaped for the same ruling class as ever.

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Vietnam is ancient history. Somebody actually said that. I couldn’t hear what John said well enough to know who it was. I guess that makes the massacres at Kent State and Jackson State ancient history as well. Not to mention the Phoenix Program, the Tet Offensive, the massive bombing of all of Vietnam, north and south, Laos and Cambodia, the massive use of Agent Orange, and so on. I thought I saw and heard all of that hideous excrement. I must be mistaken- probably read Thucydides account of it, and just confused it with the lived experience of my entire adolescence and young adulthood. Pardonnez moi.

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gershkowitz (sp?) was more likely a sting operation, inspired by USA methods.

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